I am post-op 3 days and have questions

I am trying very hard to get all of the 64 oz of water plus the recommended 50-80 grs of protein. Any suggestions? Also I am so very sore, is this normal? It is difficult to just turn over in bed. I have not had a bowel movement, is this OK. Any tips wouold be great. Thanks    — pampam (posted on July 17, 2006)

July 17, 2006
First off congradulations on the beginning your new life. I would not worry at this point about getting all that water and protein in at the moment. I don't remember how long I went until I really started counting but I do know at first there was no way I could have gotten all that in. Just be sure you are drinking as much as possible. Now for now having a bowel moment I was required to have on before they let me leave the hospital so if you don't have one soon I would suggest contacting your doctor. Good luck!! Laural 313/292/171/135
   — Laural D.

July 17, 2006
Congrat's as well. As the prior response it will take time to get all those grms of proten and water in. Your body will let you know what you can tolerate. For the pain I sleeped on the couch for a while this keeped me from rolling over. It took me 5 days to pass my bowels my Doctor told me as long as I am passing go I was ok.
   — Tina G.

July 17, 2006
Hi Pam! I am now 10 days post op and, believe me, it does get better! I was told to try to focus on keepin hydrated the first week out. The protein is important, but I was told that water is more important within the first few weeks. I was able to begin sleeping on my side again at around day 8 or 9. Good luck to you!!!
   — amysocko

July 17, 2006
Pam, I feel your pain. I to am 3 days post op as of Monday. I'm having a hard time trying to get all my fluids in as well, but i think the best that we can do, is drink as much as possible and to try to get in as much protien as possible. As far as bowel movement, I had a couple today, I had tomoato and zuccuhini soup, i think that did the trick. try eating some soup, that might work. finally i find it hard to turn over in bed, i don't know if it's the gas or the staples or even a combination, but i can't wait to lay on my belly and my side for that matter. Remember to keep walking, i try walking a little everyhour. Good luck!!
   — Jenney

July 17, 2006
I found that V-8 juice really helped me keep regular, I know it has sugar in it, but I figured I drank less than the portion size to keep sugar down.
   — acluff

July 18, 2006
Well, if your lap band was like mine, I was out of the hospital/clinic in the same day so there's no way you would have had a BM BEFORE leaving! I could not get all the water or protein down either until I started to feel better, however I kept a bottle of water by my side at all times and sipped all day (this will help get the Bowel moving again too) also I had protein drinks containing fiber in between my regular "meals" (which were very small and blended). Yes, I was VERY sore, I slept on my recliner couch for almost a week post op because getting in an out of bed hurt! I could not turn on to the left side for at least 2-3 weeks, but was able to start lying on my right after about a week and a half. I didn't have a BM for about 3-4 days, finally I drank some Citrucel or something like it. It takes awhile to get things moving again. If it doesn't happen soon, though call your Dr. Hang in there, things pick up rather quickly after the first 3-5 days. Pretty soon you'll be feeling much less sore and feel like moving around again. Congrats and good luck.
   — Debra R.

July 18, 2006
Congratulations! I still have trouble getting all the liquid and protein in, and I am 18 mo! I find that I have to specifically try to drink enough. Be careful with you bowel movements. I got impacted because I could not drink enough water! !
   — Novashannon

July 20, 2006
congrats....IT DOES GET BETTER!!!! i'm 2 weeks post op and i feel almost normal,it took almost a week to get over soreness(as opposed to pain)The water can be a problem,so try to drink when ever you can,and try to move a little every day,it helps.......good luck
   — david P.

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