Anyone have the band that has pain at your port and after a fill that area around

the port gets really hard and I can feel it more(bigger) . The pain fills like as if you had ran and get the side pain, but it is always after I have eaten a meal. Has anyone experienced or know what causes either condition, thanks    — T R. (posted on February 28, 2010)

March 1, 2010
I have the lapband, after a fill this area is very sensitive, in a 1-2 days it should minimize. If your port is painful after eating, you could be eating more than needed. I noticed that when I eat to much my port will bulge outward, this is my warning to stop. Hope this helps!!
   — savoy7658

March 1, 2010
I don't have any problem with my port after a fill however when I eat too much, the port area gets sensitive and protrudes some. But it eventually goes away.
   — karrenn

March 3, 2010
i have had two fills so far and my port always hurts a couple days after my fills dr tells me its nothign to worry about and that as i loose more weight it will be less sensitve and painfull i hope this helps u
   — booboo121573

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