
I have such horrible constipation.. I think I'm gonna quit eating anything. Does anyone have anything to suggest to help me. I don't ever go on my own. I have to take something to go, or it can go as long as a week between and very hard. Help. I know it's gross! Lesleigh Ga.    — lesleigh07 (posted on May 20, 2009)

May 20, 2009
I also have problems with constipation. It's not unusual for me to go 4 days without moving my bowels, and it doesn't make me particularly uncomfortable, so I don't notice it. My dietician wants me to mix ground flax seed into some of my food, and I've been told that anything containing psyllium is good. Unfortunately, for me, both of those things are too high in carbs for comfort. In order to take them, I have to sacrifice something else! But, I AM allowed to take Colace stool softeners (or their generic equivalent) every night if I need to, and also have permission to take milk of magnesia when necessary. I have found one that is cherry flavored and not unpleasant at all. One other thing...maybe it's just me, but spinach will ALWAYS make me "go". And although I'm not supposed to eat salads, I have a recipe for a spinach tofu soup that actually becomes liquified in the VitaMix, and I add a little protein powder to it and use it for a protein drink, but it also helps the plumbing within 24 hours. Hope this helps.
   — Erica Alikchihoo

May 20, 2009
If I have not gone, I use Ducalax. It does not hurt my stoma and works so soften as well.
   — Kathy Thomas

May 20, 2009
I use to have the same problem. I am almost a year out and hasn't gotten any better. Trust me you want to get it under control. I have to take almost a double dose of Miralax and 1 to 2 Dulcolax ( softner only) every day. I just had to have rectal surgery 3 weeks ago because I allowed my stools to get to hard. I take a prescription Iron pill and that caused the costipation to be worse. Which lead to surgery. I was a misarable 2 months prior to surgery though with treatment of the tears that was cuased from the hard stools. So don't go to long with this problem. My doctor is great and told me to take the miralax and Dulcolax. You might try it.
   — amycherry

May 20, 2009
I really had this problem in the beginning for about the first month. As long as I drink at least 60 ounces of water daily I have not had any problems. I know its hard at first with drinking your recommended amt of water but this was my answer. Make sure you are eating right and exercising, all that combined will be the answer.
   — susajohn

May 20, 2009
i take omega 3 and flaxseed oil
   — Dale Elaine S.

May 20, 2009
I had the same problem for about 2 months (lap RNY in Jan) but I started taking fiber chews and eating fruit. I first started eating a small amount of grapes to see how my stomach would handle it and from then on, I included small portions of other fruits and so far, so good - no problems. Try to incl Milk of Mag, prune juice diluted w/water. Eventually your body will go back to normal.
   — Kayla B.

May 21, 2009
Start with some stool softeners to get it moving. Then follow a regimen of Miralax 1- 2 times a day. It's wonderful and will not cause abdominal cramping. When you put it in your drink, be sure not to sip on it all day. Try to get it down relatively fast. Most Docs I encounter are pro-Miralax treatment. I use it so much, that I find buying it at Costco is the most reasonable deal. Good luck and you can e-mail me with any other questions, as I am 3.5 years our RNY and a 2 year Miralax consumer. -Darlene [email protected]
   — dadebrito

May 21, 2009
Add fiber to your drinks. Be sure you get enough liquids. i use stool softeners everyday. This can be a serious issue if you do not get it under control.
   — trible

May 21, 2009
I take 2 tablespoons of ground flax seed every day. I mix it with hot tea or hot choc, then let it sit a few minutes until it thickens and then drink it. It works great, it's natural and fairly inexpensive to use.
   — KathieV

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