Has Anyone Else Dumped On SF Jello-o Brand Pudding?

I had my RNY on Jan 12. and tonight I tried some sugar free pudding (Jell-O brand) I only are 1/2 the small cup, ate with an infant spoon and ate very slow and I still had a dumping episode. Any suggestions as to why?    — Babycakes1970 (posted on January 23, 2009)

January 23, 2009
I have no clue on why. But I know I had problems eating the jello in the hospital and when I got home. I just don't eat it at all. It makes me feel really sick. I also can't have carbs like pasta, potato's, SF pudding. It all makes me feel the same way. I had my RNY on Dec. 19th. so still new to this all. I wish you luck!!
   — ready4me_now

January 23, 2009
Yep, I dumped on it. I can't tolerate it. I'm not quite sure how far out I was before I tried it, but it was so bad that I refuse to try it again. I do not need pudding in my life badly enough to take another chance!
   — lauren_marie

January 23, 2009
It could be the sugar alcohols...I know if I eat anything with sugar alcohol I get sick. I don't know SF jello does but I am sure it does because it has to have a sweet taste. Just my guess. I don't eat any SF foods or foods with high sugar nothing more than 4g per serving for me or I dump. Hope this helps!
   — bridgadean

January 23, 2009
I can't eat anything sugar free. I dump bad. When I had surgery 9-25-08, I got sick everytime they brought me in a popscicle. They brought me in one that was reg. and I was fine. I do not eat hardly anything with sugar, but if I taste anything, it has to be mixed with regular sugar and not sugar free. I am never tempted to eat anything I shouldn't now, for the fear of a good thing... Ask your NUT. about what to do. They will guide you in the right way. Congrates on your wls. Hugs
   — daizi55

January 23, 2009
There's a relatively high incidence of lacto intolerance in post-gastric bypass patients. Frequently the milk sugars are just too much to hit the duodenum all at once. This would be true of SF pudding, reduced sugar ice cream, and other foods. I can tolerate yogurt just fine and cereal with a small amount of milk, but pudding at least makes me very lethargic and crampy. It may be something that you'll just have to exclude. I'm over 9 years out and it's still not something I eat more than 1 or 2X a year.
   — jjames-thomas

January 23, 2009
I have the lapband, so I have never dealt with dumping. What I do know is that there is some research that says our bodies treat fake sugar (like sweet & low or splenda) as though it's real sugar. I'm not sure if that is correct or has anything to do with it, but it's a thought.
   — DEMsGirl

January 23, 2009
you have to understand we are all different. our bodies react differently. my surgery was sept 8 and i belive when i was at your stage, i was only eating an ounce at a time. it gets really boring, the foods we are to eat. but we must keep on tring. as far as the jello, it could've even been the flavor, did you tollerate the jello in the hospital? fromm day to day my food tolrence changes. today i may be okay but tomorrow i won't, the next day ok again. just don't shut the door on anything. keep tring. unless it happens all the time. i have just now gotten where i can do milk products. good luck to ya. i'm hoping for 100 lbs off by the end of feb. peggy
   — peggy R.

January 24, 2009
I have always had problems with the sugar alchohols in sf foods-even before I had my rny. I actually knew what dumping felt like from personal experience before I even had surgery! I havn't had a problem with it since my rny because I limit the amounts of it that I consume. For me, I have to eat quite a bit of sf foods (maybe 3 little tubs of the jello at one sitting) to feel sick and of course since the rny I eat far less than that. Everyone's tolerance of the sugar alchohols is different-you seem to be highly sensitive to it. Kristi
   — Kristi K.

January 24, 2009
I know that I have MORE problems with some sugar substitues (such as aspartame) than I do with actual sugar. There are some things too like malitol that are in sugar free items that make me sick. That could be the case with many of us.
   — Fluffee

January 24, 2009
I had the same problem. I felt like it didn't matter why and just didn't eat it again.
   — SharonZ

January 24, 2009
Yep...Sugar free stuff bugs me worse than real sugar sometimes...I am getting more and moer sensitive to artifical sweeteners...I LOVE SF jello and pudding as my main sources of desserts...My last trip to teh Grocery store I bought Unflavored gelatine by KNOX...And I plan on making my own puddings and jello with Stevia and flavor extracts because I am almost at teh point that most anything sweet whether it is sugar or not will cause me pain. Sugar doesn't bother me as much as the fake stuff...NOW THAT is scary! LOL It's so convenient to use a little package all ready to mix and eat...Now I have to add a few steps/time to make jello or pudding...What a bummer, because I can get really lazy..I just wish they'd just switch everything over to Stevia already! It's ONLY just making a debut on commercials as "Nuvia" sweetener...I haven't found it in the gorcery stores here yet! I have to get mine from upper scale stores with healthy food sections...Try stevia...It's the only sweetener (natural too) that my pouch actually LIKES!
   — .Anita R.

January 24, 2009
I would suggest eating regular pudding. And it may be too soon to try this type of food. Try regular jello not pudding. If you still have problems check with the doc and dietician. Good Luck and God Bless, vinnigirl, retired RN
   — vinnigirl

January 24, 2009
I am 11 mo post RNY and still dump with the SF pudding - as most others have noted, most likely it is due to the sweetening agent that is causing it. Since you are fresh post-op, I would stay away from Jello of any type as it may get stuck more readily at this point - My surgeon told us that it should not even be tried until at least 6 months s/p procedure.
   — AuntPamcakes4six

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