Type 2 Diabetes and LapBand. How is medication handled pre and immeadiately post?

Can you swallow your pills? Use only shots? How quickly were you able to come off meds?    — rikkiv (posted on October 7, 2008)

October 7, 2008
I was on 2000mg of glumetza pre-op, while I was in the hosp they were giving me insulin- I was discharged with the instructions to take 500 mg of glucaphage 2x a day but only if my sugar was over 150 morning or night. I am 6 weeks post op now and have not had to take anything since the 2nd week post-op. My sugars are under control with just eating the protein and veggies. I also crushed the meds to a powder at first but now any meds- bp meds & vitamins I just break up into little chunks and swallow with water. I am having a very hard time with constipation and now need a stool softener EVERYDAY!!! Good luck to you- you will see a DRASTIC difference with the diabetes! I promise- just stay away from carbs and sugar!
   — munchiesmama

October 7, 2008
My doctor took me off of Metformin a week prior to surgery and I have yet to go back on it. I'm 5 weeks out
   — Teri K.

October 8, 2008
I had type 2 diabetes and went for the cure... RNY instead of lapband. I've read in countless medical forums that the RNY will cure type 2 within a short period of time. I'm 11 weeks out and still haven't seen a total "cure"... but I know it will be there... plus I'm off my diabetes meds.
   — pattschiele

October 8, 2008
My endodrinologist has me on a liquid metformin, RioMet, which is more tolerable and palatable than crushing and swallowing the Metformin tablets. My BS is down, and within the next couple of months, expect to come off this stuff. I am at just below 100 on fasting blood sugar, if I forget to take the RioMet. And I do watch what I eat and try to keep the after meals (bolus) blood sugar down to a reasonable amount. But again sugars and carbs can be the enemy, so you have to watch that intake. My surgery was in 07/07. Because of other health issues, recent lumbar fusion, I have stayed on the RioMet rather than screw up the endocrinal / hormonal system while I have had to battle this other issue.
   — MzCruse

October 8, 2008
I was on oral medication for many years for hypertension and Type II diabetes. I came off my diabetes meds while in the hospital and off my hypertensive meds within 2 weeks after LapBand. Initially I would empty a capsule into SF jello or liquid, or crush tablets. Later, I would break tablets into smaller pills. Now, it depends on how much restriction I have. I am 2 years out and have varying degrees of restriction based on what is going on in my life. If I'm tight and need a couple of Tylenol, I'll break in pieces. I'm I'm loose, I can take pills whole. Good luck to you, Dawn Vickers, RN, BLC, CLC
   — DawnVic

October 8, 2008
Why not try a good powerful "liquid" vitamin / mineral supplement. No "crushing" pills. Has "positive" effect on type 2 diabetes. Has 1000 IU Vitamin D3, a must. Go to
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 8, 2008
I had lap band 4-16-08 and two days after surgery I was off insulin (4 times a day) back on oral medications and now as of around 5:15p.m. today I am on only two mgs of amaryl. My A1C came back low and soon (I pray) I will be off of it also. I crushed my pills for about two weeks.
   — dyates2948

October 10, 2008
My instructions after leavng hospital (RNY surgery) were to crush my pills. I tried that for a couple of days and could not tolerate the bitter taste of some and wound up tossing it all back up almost immediately. So I went back to swallowing my meds whole -- No problem!! ** I was taken off ALL of my diabetic related meds immediately, while I was still in hospital, recovering from surgery. I subsequently (a couple of months later) went back on Metformin but at only 1/2 the dosage I was on prior to surgery. Contrary to popular opinion in some medical circles, bariatric surgery does not absolutely "cure" type-II diabetes for everyone. In my case it did NOT, but I'm certainly much better off than I was prior to surgery and losing all that "excess baggage".
   — [Deactivated Member]

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