5 1/2 yrs out I crave sweets 24/7. What can help curb this??

All I crave 3 weeks out of the month is sweets. One week of the month I crave fruits and vegetables. Meat is always gross for me. I even get up through the night 3-4 times for cookies. Help!!!    — suni (posted on September 30, 2008)

September 30, 2008
Are you using homemade 'splenda' cookies??? Also some good recipes on boards for friendly brownies etc. check out eggface's recipes, all look great 36 days to RNY Sheri
   — sheri139

September 30, 2008
I've always been told the more fruit you eat, the less you'll want sweets. Seems to work with me. Good luck!
   — Teri K.

September 30, 2008
If you've re-introduced carbs back into your diet, take 'em out. Carbs make you crave more carbs. Also, I'm drinking a great protein shake called Syntrax Nectar - the Fuzzy Navel variety. It's got a sweet taste, but no carbs at all!
   — jdmartin

September 30, 2008
Get the cookies out of the house. If you are buying them for someone else, get some you don't like. I have a couple wedges of sugar-free peaches or pears with my cottage cheese. Satifiys the fruit craving without adding too many carbs. If you do as the other poster recomended, and cut your carbs to around 50-60 a day, you will lose those sugar cravings after about the third day. Feeding the sugar cravings creates a vicious cycle. The more you eat the more you want. Good luck getting back on track!
   — lesleigh07

September 30, 2008
If you are addicted to something, get it out of the house completely. Detox off carbs and you will not crave them anymore. Remember the basics, protein and veggies, exercise and water. Good luck, Dawn
   — DawnVic

September 30, 2008
Stop! Remind yourself why you had the surgery in the first place. Give up the carbs, and do what you did in the beginning to lose the weight.
   — katiecakes

September 30, 2008
I think the answer is fruit. but it can't be just fruit or any ole fruit. it needs to be something you would want to reach for. i like bananas. or strawberries or cherries. after i had my rny i went through that sweet thing for about two years and i learned to reach for fruits i liked. even canned. like canned peaches or pineapple. just rinse them off real good, getting all the sucrose off and your good to go. think of ways you would enjoy getting fruit into you. besides fresh fruit with it's fiber and liquid is one of the best forms of cleansing the body. if your not used to eating a lot of fruit beware. you will get cleansed. meaning poop a lot.
   — [Deactivated Member]

September 30, 2008
you know another sweet but okay snack i came up with is - do you remember the shirley and laverne t.v. show. laverne was always putting milk in her root beer. well i took it from there. i mix nonfat milk with sweet 'n low, put about 2 ounces in a little container and freeze it. that becomes my ice cream. then i pour diet root beer , (watered down a little bit of me because i don't like carbonation so much, and pour it in a glass). i take a hammer and pound the ice cream into chips and add it to the root beer. thus, i have a fat free root beer float i can eat anytime. it's cheap and a freebie. i love it. hope you do too.
   — [Deactivated Member]

September 30, 2008
The more carbs you eat, the more you will crave them...and it seems to get worse after WLS for some reason. You have to replace the carby sugary snacks with healthier choices. Fruit, yogurt, SF jello's and puddings, even a low carb protein bar or protein smoothie would be MUCH better than cookies...I have a cookie now and then, my self, but 3 weeks out of the month is a recipe for total disaster! Wean yourself off sugar and carbs and then add fruits and the others and you will have SOOOOO much easier a time with sweets...Sugar is actaully sickening sweet to me now tha I am used to the milder natural sugar in fruits. Throw the cookies away! Grab an apple with a little peanut butter Yummy! You sound like a great candidate for the 5 Day pouch test too! Read about it here...All instructions are at this site!
   — .Anita R.

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