Can I take out plastic surgery insurance just to cover plastic surgery that I need?

I need arm lift, breast lift, skin removed from sides, back and an 8 inch hanging panni. Is there insurance companies that will allow me to take out insuarnce with them just for plastics to be done? Or is there just an insurance that is plastic surgery insurance? I have medicare only and there is no plastic surgeron near me that does not want payment up front and wait on medicare to pay them and I pay my 20%. Medicare told me that I had to have a code (which they gave me to give to surgeon) and that the surgeon has to submit what he is going to do and put that code on the form. But the nearest surgeons consult told me that I would have to pay $5680 up front and medicare pay me back. That would include the hospitals part as well for an over nite stay.    — mspisces (posted on September 1, 2008)

September 1, 2008
hmmm...interesting question. Since insurance companies or meant to cover costs in the event that something is needed (although they only make money from the people who never need anything) then I can't imagine why someone would insure you against all the things that you already know you want. That's just my opinion though as I really don't know. I'd google the question.
   — cjjordan

September 1, 2008
If you don't want to get insurance for a short period of time there is a website you could go to and try to get a low interest loan for what you need. Go to They maybe able to help you out.
   — T. Aulds

September 2, 2008
Hmmmm If you can find an insurance company that covers plastic surgery let me know I will buy a policy also. There is a way to have supplemental money to cover for emergency and needs. Please write me and I will share with you how your current investments or 401 K could supplement and pay for your plastic surgeries.
   — Dani96

September 2, 2008
You might be able to find a non-insurance medical discount plan or a medical loan program that will help you with plastic surgery. But you definitely are not going to find an insurance policy... Insurance is like the lottery... they make money by selling tickets (insurance policies). They have to sell enough non-winning tickets (people who never submit claims) to cover the cost of winning tickets (people who submit claims). The goal is to pay out as little as possible... selling you a policy that covers plastic surgery (knowing that you need/want plastic surgery) would be purposefully selling you a winning ticket---something they just aren't going to do. Good luck to you!
   — mrsidknee

September 11, 2008
There is an organization that will finance plastic surgery, I've seen their advertisements, but don't have the info to give you as to who or where to go. Try searching for plastic surgery financing and see what turns up. I'll be facing trying to get the same thing done eventually, so good luck and God bless you in your efforts. Dusty @};-
   — Dusty Ray Vaughn

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