Does anyone have a check list of things I may need?

Hi! I am about to be scheduled for surgery next week? So, I am assuming that I will be having sugery fairly soon. Does anyone have a good check list of items, I will need before, during, and after open RNY surgery? Thanks a Bunch! Mandy from Mo    — StormChaser77 (posted on April 8, 2008)

April 8, 2008
Hi, Mandy from MO, I am Shelly from KC, KS so we are neighbors. My first question is - why are you having an open RNY and not a lap RNY? My Dr. from Kansas City, KS does not do open RNY only lap. He is are only under for 55 minutes, he has done over 2000 lap RNY and only 4 open RNY. He has trained other surgeons on Lap RNY. Open is really not heard of anymore because of healing time, hospital stay and more complications. My Dr. name is Thomas Hitchcock. I had my surgery on February 19, I am down 55 pounds, and was back to work in 8 days. The staff is also great. Dr. Hitchcock gives you a pamplet from what to expect from 2 weeks prior to surgery, the whole day of surgery what will be happening, a list of things to take with you to the hospital, any question about what to do, what to expect you name it, its in the package. He also has you take a test on what you know about bariatic surgery, and if you answered any of the questions incorrect, he will talk to you about it. He really wants you to be educated on what the surgery will do to your body before, during and after. I would suggest you give him a call.
   — rosheet

April 8, 2008
congrats on your surgery date!!! I am 5 weeks post op and doing really well. Take your iPod or MP3; I found my own music was so relaxing compared to the TV. Also take ChapStick, socks, and make sure your family member who is with you has a list of people you want them to call after surgery to give them the good news that all went well. I also brough comfy clothes; it makes me feel like a real person to wear my own clothes rather than a patient in a gown that opens to the world. Also be sure to take your CPAP if you use one! And just as a side note, I took a couple of bandannas to wear on my head so I would not have to fix my hair! You'll be in my thoughts! GOOD LUCK!
   — Beth A.

April 8, 2008
For when you get home I suggest low sugar apple juice, crystal lite, chicken broth, sugar free jello and sugar free popsicles. Liquid Tylenol, liquid vitamins, Slim-Fast or high protein Ensure, cream soups and decaf tea with artificial sweetners.
   — Tawnda C.

April 8, 2008
Congratulations on your upcoming surgery! Not to be too graphic, but I would take baby wipes. You can't shower right away. I kept them in the bathroom and it helped me feel clean. You'll be in my thoughts. Best wishes on your journey! Kim
   — kcox1960

April 9, 2008
Hi Mandy from Mo, thanks for writing. You don't say what you already have, but just a few things to think about. First, I brought a blanket and pillow of my own because it added color and comfort to my room. also a cd player for music and comfort from home. I also brought camping wipes because I knew I would not be able to shower right away, they work wonderful! I also brought baby wipes and a plastic stiring spoon to use the bathroom. Most people don't think of this, but I did not want a nurse to wipe my behind, and I read somewhere of someone who did this. The nurses thought I was nuts, but I took care of myself and was glad to do it. You put the wet wipe on the end of the spoon and it reaches all the way back, it works very well. I also brought lotion and the usual, slippers, gown, robe, cleaning items, etc. I brought them in a little rolling suit case and my husband brought them in after surgery, it worked out very well. I loved having the colors of my blanket and the music I cherish so much to comfort me during those first few days. Take care. Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

April 9, 2008
I had open RNY 4 years ago and brought some soft cotton men's sleeveless tee shirts to wear under the binder they wrap around you...(Much less itchy! and Kept the binder clean) I wore that binder for over 6 mos. I brought a pair of kitchen tongs to pick up things I might have dropped on the floor and to help in the bath room (pulling up undies and with various things..(Bending and twisting is very painful and it helps to have that extra length for me!) I brought crystal lite powder to mix in my water and take crushed meds with. I was glad to have it. I brought my iPod too...Wish I had a portable fan it was so hot the first two days. I asked for a fan and got the only one on the floor but gave it to some poor guy who was in some weird traction looking machine and sweating terribly...If you have any needs they usually wil bring you something. I was having bloody noses and they brought me saline spray...and for dry mouth they brought me gylcerine swabs for my mouth...Just ask if you are uncomfortable...You pretty much sleep with a morphine pump the first two days anyway. Get up and walk as soon as you can!!! I showered the next day after surgery, but some hospitals don't have showers in the rooms...I'd say just bring a wash cloth and some nice smelling lotion to keep your skin hydrated and feeling fresh. (The nurses loved my the smell of my lotion and would comment that I had the nicest smelling room!) Good luck and a speedy recovery!
   — .Anita R.

April 9, 2008
When packing for the hospital stay ... take very little. I packed extra clothes, books, bible ... like I was going on vacation and was going to get bored. I used nothing out of my bag - other than my tooth brush and toiletries when I took a shower the day I left the hospital. I wore the same clothes home that I had worn to the hospital. Just pack light and know that you will sleep most of the time ... when you are awake ... you will be walking.
   — Tammy Cardwell

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