No appetite?

I will be 8 weeks out on monday from open RNY. I have NO appetite at all. Nothing looks, sounds or smells good. I have to force myself to eat. Certain smells make me nausious and cause me to dry heave. Any ideas?    — Blonde_Sanchez (posted on November 9, 2007)

November 9, 2007
Been there done that. Gas X tablets were my best friend during that stage and at 3 months. Hang in there it does get better! Just make sure you get your protein in and drink plenty of water! Good luck, God bless and welcome to the losing side!
   — crystalsno

November 9, 2007
I remember that!!! Enjoy it, it doesn't last forever. I am 4 years out and I have an apetite. It will come back but it takes a while. Some smells still get to me after all this time.
   — Carlyn M.

November 9, 2007
I am 9 months out next week and still do have an appetite. They say enjoy it. It is a pain in the butt sometimes, esp. with the nausea, but...take it slow. Remember to eat, get your protein in and all will work itself out. you will get on a routine and it will all get easier. Jammie
   — jammerz

November 9, 2007
I was like that at first believe me it will pass and you will wish you still had no appetite. As long as you drink your water, do protein and take vitamins you will be ok until you get a appetite.
   — crlindfw

November 10, 2007
I am 5 weeks out and I was doing the same thing. I spoke to someone connected with my doctor and she suggested that it was all in mind. I think if I eat I will gain. So, I had convinced myself that it made me sick. Believe it or not since then I look at it differently and I was able to go bac to eating. Good luck and God Bless. Bev
   — okiegirl

November 10, 2007
enjoy it while it lasts. I once went 3 days without eating anything, and only finally ate out of concern I would make myself ill. It has to do with hormonal changes in the gut after the RNY and will lessen with time. My theory is the swelling makes the your full part of the stomach send the your full signal 24/7. It was nice while it lasted I am out over 6 years
   — bob-haller

November 10, 2007
First the first year and a half I didn't feel hungry at all. And yep, I'll agree it was a pain in the tush but it would always be worse. So, Set your alarm so you get enough protein and water and eventuallu it will.
   — EmtEeyore

November 11, 2007
Hello Laura, congrads on your choice for improvimg your life. i too was like that until I went bavk to work. I was thinking that sitting around the house cleaning an walking everyday was fine for the amount of food I was eating. So days I would eat a spoon of peanutbutter for dinner. But when i went back to work and starting burning more food it took more to keep me going. Good luck and God Bless.
   — Vanessa Dates

November 11, 2007
Laura my surgeon told me that when RNY is done on someone that the staples they use cuts a nerve in the stomach pouch that tells the stomach to create an enzyme that makes you hungry. Well, when they cut it it no longer works for at least a year. Thats why we lose so much in the first year after surgery.Your appetite will return if you eat your protein and water.My doc even said I will end up having to force feed myself after surgery-so everyithing seems right on track, just keep eating what you can. It takes a while to totally return to your healed self.Use the loss of hunger in your favor now.It will help you now more than ever.
   — [Deactivated Member]

November 12, 2007
You are in the "honeymoon" phase. For me it lasted about 6 months. I lost a great deal during my "honeymoon" with practically no exercise. Now that my desire to eat has returned, I have to exercise to maintain and not gain again (and that works too, if you stick to it). Believe me, it's a LOT easier to force yourself to eat than to force yourself NOT to eat.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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