Has anyone that has had the surgery experienced dry,itchy skin and if so what have

you found for relief from the itching?That is the only thing that has really bothered me since I have had my surgery in 2004    — hotmoma (posted on November 29, 2006)

November 29, 2006
I've also experienced that. Haven't found a solution yet, but you get one, pl.ease pass it along!!
   — cburky911

November 29, 2006
Have you tried Aveeno moisturizing lotion? You pay a tiny bit more for it, but it does work and it absorbs into the skin without leaving a greasy feeling behind.
   — crystalsno

November 30, 2006
What is your supplement regimen? Are you taking dry form vit E? There are other things, like cold crisp weather, but the first thing I look for is vit E, right after protein supplement. If you are studiously avoiding fats 'n oils, that might add to your problem. Some are GOOD fats & oils and should be incorporated, not avoided.
   — vitalady

December 1, 2006
I experienced the dry, itchy skin, and nothing topical my medical doctor nor my dermatologist suggested or prescribed helped until my dermatologist prescribed Hydroxyzine, a mild antihistamine in pill form. I take one pill twice a day and the itching, which was 10 times worse than the dryness, has disappeared all together. The itching was so bad it kept me up at night and would quite often wake me up from deep sleeps. Now I use Cetaphil lotion to help with the dryness. I was familiar with Hydroxyzine because my 7 yr old has asthma and skin allergies and he has been off and on Hydroxyzine for his itching and for seasonal allergies most of his life. I know you may be hesitant about taking yet another pill, but for me, my problem was solved in this tiny pill--no side effects except a litle sleepiness until your body gets used to it. I hope this information helps. Maria
   — MariaHBW

December 3, 2006
I had that problem and used vitamin E oil on my skin and increased my water. I was told by my doctor that it was because I wasn't getting enough water-even though I was drinking at least 64 oz a day.
   — sachbe

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