How does eating dinner in the later evening affect weight loss?

I'd like to hear some opinions on whether eating dinner within a few hours of going to bed truly slows down your weight loss like we've always been told. I go directly to the fitness center from work 3 nights a week, and I eat 1/2 Zone Bar and some fresh fruit on the way there. Dinner is about 8:30pm, and consists of 3 oz meat or equivalent protein exchange, very little starchy carbs and a fruit or vegetable. Then I'm in bed by 10:30. I recently made some changes in my eating plan and I've finally started loosing again after being stuck at 80# down for a couple months. But am I sabotaging myself by eating so close to bed-time? Lap RNY 12/11/02, 290/203    — Jules B. (posted on November 25, 2003)

November 25, 2003
I think you should increase your workouts to five days a week. The shock to your system should jumpstart your weightloss. As for eating late at night, if your body isn't burning enough calories, it will store as fuel and ur body will burn it during ur sleep. Try to eat earlier during the day. I wouldn't eat dinner past 7 since ur going to bed so early.
   — keishax

November 26, 2003
I agree with the last poster, I try to never eat after 6 pm at night, we usually eat supper around 4:30-5:00 pm, I might have water or hot TEA( UNSWEETENED) I have lost 160+ pounds and over 120 inches since 02/27/02
   — bikerchic

November 26, 2003
I eat no closer than 2 hours before bed...but that's me and it's worked for me. May not for you. However, that said, I would suggest that you perhaps have NO carbs in your last meal of the day since you retire so soon after. Less to burn up and less chance of it turning to fat. Stick to meat and maybe a very high fiber veggie (broccoli or cauliflower for example) IF you have to have one with that meal. Personally, I would eat my veggie with my lunch and any carb with the earlier meals and stick to protein only for dinner. Good luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

November 28, 2003
When I did Weight Watchers they always said calories are calories no matter what time of day you eat them. And that always made sense to me. :)
   — plsmom

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