Has anyone had TT or skin removal surgery paid for by insurance or medicare in NC?

At a visit to my surgeon I asked the insurance person about TT and other excess skin removal and she replied that no insurance or medicare will pay for this in NC even if you have medical problems. I have lots of excess skin now and no amount of exercise will take care of it , I will have lots more after I have by-pass surgery and lose weight. I am concerned about this as I have lots of infections and rashes as it is now. Has anyone out there had any of this surgery done is NC ? Also will insurance or medicare pay to have it done in another state ?    — LINDA H. (posted on April 1, 2003)

April 1, 2003
I live in NC, and both my primary and secondary insurance providers paid for my tummy tuck (panniculectomy) and armlift (brachioplasty) surgery. Acordia is my primary provider, and CIGNA PPO is the secondary. Good luck!
   — Diana T.

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