Why would alcohol cause my stomach to burn?

I ordered a margarita last night at dinner and took one sip and my stomach felt like it was on fire. I am 7 1/2 mo post-op, have had a couple of drinks as a post-op (not a regular drinker) and did fine. It hurt so bad that I gave it to my father. What could have caused this? Could I possibly have an ulcer? Please no flamers...I really don't want the lecturers, just need some answers please.    — Cheri M. (posted on June 23, 2002)

June 22, 2002
One of the ingredients in a margarita is sour mix. This gives me major heartburn. Now, this is just my experience, as it could also be the tequila. I used to love margaritas, but now pretty much stay away from them for that reason. I do like to drink now and then, even love cosmopolitans or plain vodka and club soda, but any mixed drinks that may be made with sour mix, I ask them to leave that ingredient out. BTW, I was a bartender for 10 years in my younger years, so I know what will bother me & what won't.
   — Leslie F.

June 23, 2002
Too much sugar or maybe too acidic <sp> or maybe too cold was it frozen?. On that day it may have just not agreeded with you. Wait one week and try it again if you want one, Good Luck (see I'm trying to be nice) ;)
   — Robert L.

June 23, 2002
I can't answer WHY exactly it burned...I am not a big drinker but will take an occasional sip of someone's drink to see if I like it. What I found is that it is all trial and error. VODKA doesn't work for tiny tiny sip of my friend's vodka tonic made my stomach burn for 10 minutes! I can drink wine (although 1/2 glass gives me a strong buzz) and I have had no problems with frozen daquaris. I have had a frozen margharita (1/4 of one) and had no problem. Just be weary of what you order...if it sounds sweet...or the the liquer is hard, you may have problems with it. :)
   — Ilene M.

June 23, 2002
Have you had pain before having a drink? The same thing happened to me and after I had my drink it got worse. I went to the doctor and it was an ulcer. They did an endoscope and found I did have one. I take carafat 4x a day and protonix once. If you keep having pain call your doctor. My pain was alittle abovr my bellybutton.
   — Bonnie S.

June 23, 2002
Not really an answer here --- I'm still pre-op but a few years ago I was drinking wine coolers at my high school reunion and had really bad on fire feelings in my stomach and my head felt like it was on fire and it was the most awful feeling I've ever gotten!!! I don't think I have an ulcer but I pretty much have figured out that I have to be careful how much acidic juices I drink --- grapefruit, orange, etc. I can drink loads of beer and loads of liquor, just not mixed with any acidic juice. Weird, huh?
   — Nell C.

June 23, 2002
I know how that feels! A couple weeks ago I was at a party and tried a shot of tequila. My stomach felt like a whole was burning through it! It was awful and I was so scared! I learned my lesson!!
   — Summersect

June 24, 2002
I drink all the time but need to drink Diet as a mix...good luck!
   — Roger H.

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