Is there protein in pill form?

And if so, where? If not, *why not*?    — Cheri M. (posted on February 7, 2002)

February 7, 2002
I disagree with the last poster. Spirulina comes in pill form. It is a microalgae that consists of 60% all-vegetable protein, rich in beta carotene, iron, vitamin B-12 and the rare essential fatty acid, GLA. It offers a striking profile of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrents. You can learn more about it at I am pre-op, but I currently take Spirulina daily for protein. You can purchase it in just about any health food store. I buy mine from Peachtree Natural Foods ( Spirulina is just chopped full of health benefits. If you go to it will provide you with all the benefits. Any other questions, just email me. :)
   — juliehedges

February 7, 2002
I would recommend you trying a liquid form of protein. Isopure-sold in most GNC stores is tasty and a 20 oz. bottle has 40 grams of protein in it. Try that to see how you like it.
   — felicia W.

February 8, 2002
The protein pills I've seen usually contain about 1000mg protein per 3 pills, or 3 pills = 1g of protein. If you wanted to take in 60g, that would be 180 pills per day. If you figure in a malabsorption figure, you'd probably be safe at 200-250 pills per day, increasing that whenever you want to push off a plateau or are protein loading for plastics or other surgeries.
   — vitalady

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