Any advice after being off track for 3 months?

I am 8 months out and have had sluggish weight loss from the beginning. I loss 31 lbs and then three months ago I was struck by a car. Up to this point I have not been able to exercise because of the injuries I sustanined and I have fallen back into my old emotional eating habits. I have gained 4 lbs during the 3 months. I returned to work today and began the 5 day pouch test. My Dr. says not to worry I just need to get back into my routine. I am afraid my lap band procedure is turning into yet another failed attempt of loosing weight after 6-7 months. Any thoughts?    — JSing (posted on September 17, 2009)

September 17, 2009
2 broad areas to focus on: 1) Physically - get your body moving again! I don't know what your definition of exercise is, but unless you just got out of a full-body cast, in which case professional physical therapy is in order, your body needs to be walked until you're back to an effective cardio level; your body needs to build muscle strength, there's loads of free exercise videos available for downloading on; cardio and strength exercises will elevate your emotional state out of depression and/or anxiety. 2) Think of daydreaming about the healthy, lighter, stronger you your weightloss and fitness program will create as a form of homework! Harness the power of your imagination to create the future life YOU want to live; then imagine the body you will need to create to support thatlife. Every day, set aside time to imagine what that future you will be doing in as many sectors of your life as you can. See the future you in as much detail as you can. Allow your imagination to explore new areas, don't get stuck in just one area. When you focus on falling in love with the life of your dreams and the you that will live it, you will be able to make the behavioral changes to achieve them!
   — EmbodySuccess

September 17, 2009
It's never too late to begin again! Don't give up because the only person you're going to let down is YOURSELF. You still have that tool that your surgeon gave you. I was very overwhelmed about exercise too, as I have multiple health problems including lupus and having had both knees totally replaced. But I just flat out refuse to give into my health issues. I started at walking 1/2 mile a day and now I can walk as much as five miles....usually, I do 2-3 a day, though. I, too, suffer through fears of being the only RNY patient to ever fail, because my weight loss is slower than a lot of folks. But I am NOT going to give in to those fears and let them stop me. I hope you won't either. We gotta be tough and do this for ourselves!!! Hang in there! You can do it!
   — PaulaJ

September 17, 2009
What do you mean by a five day pouch test? Rebecca
   — Rebecca T.

September 18, 2009
You only gained four pounds in three months that is amazing. You know you would have done much more with ut the lapband. You can do this.
   — trible

September 19, 2009
Do what I am doing after my recent return to weight loss; read The Beck Diet Solution by Judith S. Beck. I believe I will lose to my goal weight by following this book. Give it a try. I think most of the people here would benefit from it.
   — cydthekid50

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