How can you pevent the gas buildup and odor after having gastric bypass?

   — metlife09 (posted on December 4, 2008)

December 3, 2008
I had my gastric 8 months ago and down 108 lbs but have gas and bloating really bad. I take prilosec and that is supposed to help prevent the stomach from secreting so much acid and it does help and i have also learned from this website that DEVROM, for the odor. I ordered it online and not very expensive will help trememdously with odor. I have only been taking short while and hopefully it will help. Good luck
   — susajohn

December 3, 2008
Did you have RNY GB? Or one where your stomach is disected? If you did, then the part of your stomach that produces acid was severed from the top part of your stomach (POUCH), which produces NO ACID. The stomach is then connected at the "Y" and some acid will seep out into that section and help break down foods. If you are taking an antacid regularly, your malabsorption of nutrients is going to be REALLY bad for you and you will have serious nutritional problems. On top of that, taking the antacid is probably what IS causing you the awful gas and bloating because what little acid you do have is now shut off as well as your pancreatic enzymes and your food is passing thru your body not nearly digested enough...and that is ROUGH on your large intestines who's job is NOT to break down food or absorb nutrients...Please STOP the antacids...get a probiotic and cut back on any sugar and simple carbs you might be eating and you'll see a HUGE difference in a week or two...or even immediately! Antacids block calcium with D, magnesium, B-12, iron...Yeah and more!
   — .Anita R.

December 4, 2008
I am so sorry! When I posted my answer to your question...I had read the first response and for some reason got the two confused! I thought YOU were the one taking antacids! My bad!
   — .Anita R.

December 4, 2008
I had my surgery 3 years ago and still the real bad gas and odor. I use the Gas X Strips, Cinnamon Flavor and it is really good
   — JuliBlu

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