5-day pouch test always referenced but my question is...

I hear many refer post-ops to the 5-day pouch test to help get back to the basics. My question is.. who's done it and what were your results? Does it begin the "rapid" weight loss process again or does it just make you feel full faster after you do it? I'm 4 years post op RNY and originally lost 60 lbs in all and have gained 40 of them back. Started 290, got to 230, back at 270. How much did you lose over what period once you did the 5-day test? How many years post-op where you when you did the test? Needing some motivation. Thanks OH fam!    — poodie (posted on November 12, 2008)

November 11, 2008
Hi Ann, If you contact the people at livingafterwls, they will be glad to answer. I'm sure they have testimonials and blogs of people who have tried. From what I've read, it gets you back on track and loosing weight again. The blog should let you contact the people that have tried it. Blessings, Anita
   — ap2008324

November 12, 2008
5 Day Pouch Test in the Neighborhood. You are never alone. Never.
   — ap2008324

November 12, 2008
Sorry the link didn't copy! Here it is again:
   — ap2008324

November 12, 2008
First of all, the 5 DPT is not a weight loss diet...You may lose a few lbs on these 5 days, but the purpose is to re-introduce you to the pouch rules that come with your RNY surgery...and allowing you to be able to feel your pouch again almost as if you were newly post op. It slowly goes from liquids to softer proteins to finally dense proteins and by the end of the 5 days you are carb free, meaning you no longer have carb cravings or severe hunger pangs, and you can actually feel the tightness and restriction in your pouch again as you graduate from liquid to denser food...I did the 5 DPT about a year ago and lost 4 lbs which I quickly gained back as soon as I began eating veggies and fruits again...So it was obviously water loss as is usually the first few weight loss pounds...BUT, with this new restrictive feeling and the loss of that awful carb monster (I was eating candy again...and too much pasta and bread and things I shouldn't have started eating) I was on vacation at moms for a month and she just wanted to feed me and I just completely lost control or the nerve to say NO to my mom! I gained 10 lbs there! I was miserable. I did wonderful for 3 years and then near my 4th year this happened...I am now going on year 5...Lost my 10 lbs and have been back on track since I did the 5DPT. It totally changed my way of eating and understanding the pouch and how it works. So as soon as I realise I am eating too many carbs and feeling hungry all the time, I de-carb as I learned to do in the 5DPT...It helps me everytime! When I eat carbs now I eat mostly complex ones and realise how sugars and simple sugars in breads and pasta can totally affect me and lead to weight gain because of that carb monster. I don't get the carb monster from moderate sugar or from simple carbs, nor do I gain weight eating them...I KNOW when I've gone off track and can easily recognize it now. After the 5DPT I told you I gained back the 4 lbs I lost...Well I was so depressed after that, thinking that I was totally failing and that diets have gone back to being the way I ended up gaining weight...but you see, carbs are only a small part of weight control...CALORIES are still CALORIES and are the reason for weight gain and loss. The same rules apply to all...If you eat more calories than you can burn, your body will store them as fat, especially simple carbs and sugar. Protein does not store as fat and is difficult for your body to discard...That makes it a fuel that burns hotter because of how hard your body has to work to get rid of it. The more you use your muscles during high protein diets, the leaner and more toned you become... So replace carb snacks with protein. Start some toning exercise. (ex. pilates/yoga type workouts) .Start a food journal to see what you are REALLY eating in terms of fat, protein carbs and calories. Once you do this for about a week you can average your intake and see where you can cut back...If you cut 500 calories a day, you will lose one pound a week. If you exercise, you will burn some of those calories too and lose faster. The more muscle you build, the faster you burn fuel. You will still have plateaus and stalls as with any diet where you are losing be patient and trust that it takes time and is working. The 5 DPT got me totally back on track and it was the first step to my losing my 10 lbs of holiday indulgance last year. It took me 4 months to lose it because I also had health probelms that stopped me from exercise...but I did it...My health is good again...I am active and did not gain my weight back...It stayed off...and I am still on track, although I am stumbling lately with the holidays back again. I am totally aware of my that I have an eating disorder and always I send others out to the store for things I need, to avoid the candy and baked things! One thing that totally helped me was my food scale. I began weighing my portions to one serving and I was amazed that it was the perfect amount to stop my hunger and not leave me feeling FULL...but satiated and quite content. I do not over eat now...I HATE that full feeling and avoid it. ALSO... You MUST have confidence in yourself and believe you are worth it or you will keep finding ways to sabotage your surgery/tool...SO please...take time to work on your head too and tell yourself daily that you deserve to be happy and revel in the things you like about yourself...because self loathing and disappointment in yourself will not help you succeed. Dig deep and make it part of your day to give yourself some thought...and remind yourself of the things you like and change the things you don't. You can do this and you are WORTH IT! Go on and do the 5DPT! You will be happy you did...Then after that...start weighing food and logging your calories. I use CAN DO THIS! Big hugs and wishes for success!
   — .Anita R.

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