What are the chances of my surgery being postponed?

My surgery was scheduled for June 3 but was cancelled because of an irregular blood test reading. I has since seen a hematologist and have been cleared for surgery. I was devastated and disappointed. Stopped the very restrictive pre op dieting and resumed normal (normal for me) eating routine, bad habits and all). Since then I've gained about 15 lbs. but since getting cleared, I've lost 2 of those. Now I'm just waiting on the scheduling depart. to call me with my new date. If they call before I've lost these other 13 lbs, what are my chances that they'll put me on schedule knowing that I've gained weight?    — foximina (posted on June 26, 2008)

June 26, 2008
Hopefully, if you gained so much in a such a short time, you may be able to lose it quickly too. Just keep low carb / fat diet, drink a lot of water, exercise, and you should be able to lose. Depends on your doc, they may reschedule it further, making sure you can lose and adhere to an eating plan. Good luck.
   — H.A.L.A B.

June 26, 2008
I don't know how your specific doc responds to the question but I thought you might like to track your calories and exercise on line to help in your goal to get back to where you were. Try and find the ease of tracking and the joy of knowing your eating right to lose. Good luck!
   — waterlover

June 26, 2008
I feel your pain. My surgery was cancelled twice before I finally had it the 3rd try. One was a scheduling mishap and the other was because I had a urinary tract infection that they didn't notify me of ahead of time. It was very frustrating and depressing for me, I just wanted to have it done, I ended up going to a new doctor who took me right in and scheduled me within the month. My first doctor didn't require me to lose any weight but the new doctor wanted me to lose 10-15 lbs and I did so but it was still a frustrating time, but I had it done and I've lost 105 lbs and couldn't be happier, so hang in there, they will finally get it right. Smile.
   — PAWLLA L.

June 27, 2008
This is very specific to you, your Doctor and the Hospital protocol. Good Luck.
   — Ira Sansolo

June 27, 2008
Get back on track today with low carb diet and exercise and lose those pounds quickly so as not to ruin your chances. Good luck, Dawn Vickers, RN, BLC, CLC
   — DawnVic

June 30, 2008
Definitely ask your doctor. My doctor's team told me they have cancelled/postponed surgery for as little as a 5 pound weight gain between last visit and pre-op visit! Low carb and lots of water to get it off quickly works for me too! Good luck!
   — angeleyes74

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