this time tommorrow

i will be on the losing side i am first on the surgery schedule as mine will be a little more involved than the usual as they have to take down the lap nissen surgery i had in 97have to start the bowel prep in just a few minutes can't tell you how much i'm looking forward to that "little hoop". but it is some of the last steps to the goal posts and then its the long walk down the weight loss aisle. pray for me please and also pray that the surgery is a lap as of right now they think they're going to do an open because of the previous the grace of god i pray its a lap. probably also going to be ds instead of the rny.think of me at 8am 2-15-06 donna    — donna m (posted on February 14, 2006)

February 14, 2006
Donna: just keep the faith. Remember that the quicker you get up & get to moving around the quicker the soreness will go away. My surgery was lap, but in four months I had to have a hysterectomy and it was open. Both times I got up & got to walking ASAP and it helped so much with the soreness. I will definitely be praying for you & for the doctor's performing the surgery tomorrow morning. May God bless and keep you...Judy (NW/AL)
   — juju524

February 14, 2006
Donna, My best to you for a safe surgery and a fast recovery. God bless you. You are in my prayers. Smiles, Jenna
   — jstatkus

February 14, 2006
Donna, my prayers will be with you tomorrow. May God send beautiful angels to surround you during surgery, to comfort and encourage you, and may those same angels bring you healing and happiness, and may they carry away the pounds as fast as they can! Blessings!
   — mwilson523

February 14, 2006
Donna , Good luck and all my prayers and wishes are with you. It is a wonderful journey and one I will be grateful for forever just remember it is tough at first anyone will tell you that, but so worth it REALLY . Best wishes Pam :o]
   — sunnie

February 14, 2006
My payers go out to you and just being one week post-op I wish you luck and God Speed.
   — GrannyBoy

February 14, 2006
Donna - I'll be thinking of you. You'll be there in a few short hours. As for going open, I was open and I have to say that it was a LOT less painful than the lap I had for gallbladder surgery years prior. The scar is very faint because as you lose weight the incision has less pressure on it. So just roll with it and know that either way you will be feeling so much better so very soon! Dina
   — Dinka Doo

February 15, 2006
Good luck and God will be with you. I had a complicated surgery and they didn't have to open me. I was on the table for a 4 hour surgery but it lasted 8 hours. I am doing fine and have lost 100 lbs since the surgery 5 months ago
   — vickicarson

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