About a month out and can not eat like the doctor told me too

I had RNY on Dec.30 and my doctor told me to try eggs that are soft boiled and other things like thin sliced turkey but it always comes right back up. Is this normal and will it get better. I just can not eat anything solid no matter how small a bite or how well I chew it up. I do ok on soup and cottage cheese but thats about all. Help please. I also have pain on my left side is this normaland have to sleep on my back. Will it go away and get better soon.    — lscheller (posted on January 23, 2010)

January 23, 2010
I'm two months out and never know if I whether semi solid foods will stay down -- one day they might and the next day not. I mostly drink protein drinks and eat soups -- creme of tomato has a lot of protein. But I am gradually adding more foods, in very small portions as my stomach heals more. So what you're experiencing sounds very normal to me. Just take it slow. Best success.
   — Janell C.

January 23, 2010
I am 5 months out and I still can't eat a lot of protein. I supplement with protein shakes, matter of fact I take two daily. You are supposed to get at least 60 grams of protein. I have to say this road of recovery isn't easy, but ask me if I would do it again, heck yes. I am down 97 lbs.
   — FSUMom

January 23, 2010
Your 3 weeks out, your pouch is still healing...I could never eat meat then. I was actually still on my liquid diet and barely even eating...It does hurt to eat but hang in there and your pouch will hold more food. Try some refried beans, scrambled egg, yogurt (make sure it has low sugar).. You will not be able to eat much at this stage,,if you do good on Soup and cottage cheese, stick to those foods for a while until you heal a little better...Then in a week or so, try something else..Good luck and remember it will get better. I had RNY 2 years ago, lost 225 pounds and trust me, it was all worth it.
   — okbuffy

January 26, 2010
At this point you should still be on liquids. Don't try to eat any other food. You can have thick liquids (split pea soup, or soup in a blender) or liquids until your pouch heals. It is still very tender, swollen and sore. Doctors really shouldn't advise soft food so soon. My doc had me on liquids for 1.5 months, thick liquids for 2.3 weeks then I progressed to pureed (soft) pudding, cottage cheese, refried beans, malt o meal, thin oatmeal. You might be having gas on your left side or it is from the anesthesia. Try my liquid advise, and you will do just fine. Be sure to include your protein in as your liquids and sip, sip, sip every 5 minutes. Water is very important too. email me if you need too.
   — Kristy

January 26, 2010
I am 6 weeks out, and those very things you listed, eggs and thin sliced turkey, still don't ever stay down for me. I chose egg beaters instead and that is ok for me, I won't be doing the turkey again as that just plain hurts and gets stuck.
   — eyeflirt4fun

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