Recuperation Time

Hello everyone. I have a surgery date set for Nov 4th. Very excited and anxious to get on with this next phase of my life. I am curious as to the recuperation time. I have seen people here who have taken up to 6 weeks to return to work. I work in finance and sit at a desk most of the day. Anyone have this type of job and can tell me how long you were out of work? Thanks! Karen    — Karen K. (posted on October 16, 2009)

October 16, 2009
I had my surgery at the beginning of August. I can say that the 2 days I was in the hospital I was pretty miserable, but my drainage tube was removed and I was allowed to go home. I did all kinds of things, put away the things I had at the hospital, talked to friends on the phone, etc. Anyway, I went to school and the post office the next day (a friend drove). I found I could have gone back to work one week after surgery, BUT week 3 and 4 I hit a wall and thought I was going to die. I barely had enough energy to make it through the day before crashing and sleeping for the next 13 or so hours. For me it was not the original recovery time, it was the follow up. Just keep that in mind!
   — Amy Smith

October 16, 2009
Hi, I had surgery in July and was back to work 2 weeks to the day after on a Wednesday. I probably should have waited until the following Monday because I was a bit uncomfortable and got tired quickly but I think you'll be ok after a good two weeks. Good luck!!
   — Beda40

October 16, 2009
U didn't say what kind of surgery you were having. I had a lap RNY and am in my 50's and went back to a desk job in 2 weeks. My suggestion is to go back the middle of the week so you aren't working 5 days straight. By 2 oclock I was ready to go home but as time progressed I got stronger. Good Luck.
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 16, 2009
I had my RNY on 2/12/2009 and I took 10 days and I also work in finance. I will say if you can try to work short days after 2 I was really strugling to with my energy level. My employer was very supportive and you do get stronger daily and the only thing I did strugle with was the energy. good luck
   — kelleyphall

October 16, 2009
If you have your surgery laproscopic, then you should be ready to go back within 2 weeks. You more you move around and walk the better and faster you will heal. I have a desk job with some lifting but I just didn't lift anything heavy. Your abdomen will feel like you just did 5,000 sit ups, and you might still be a little tired from the anthesia. I could move around, just take it easy.
   — Kristy

October 16, 2009
Your right, I did forget to mention it, but I am having Lap RNY. Now that I have a surgery date I keep going between excited and nervous. LOL. Just trying to anticipate how long I'll be out of work at this point.
   — Karen K.

October 16, 2009
I too went back to work after two weeks. I would have been fine if I had only worked 1/2 days that first week. It is like after week two, your energy level plumets and you need a nap. I worked 2 days and had to take an extra week. I was fine after that. I have a desk job and had the lap RNY. I would really suggest 3 weeks just because of the energy level.
   — Kathy Thomas

October 16, 2009
I had Lap RNY on Monday, March 2nd of this year, and went back to work on the 12th. I could have gone back earlier, but got a messy infection around my JP drain incision and I kept having to change my clothes. I was up and out of the house and shopping from the afternoon they let me out of the hospital....because I had to keep going out to get more bandages and stuff. But I felt good. Never felt bad at all. I realize that not all people react to surgery like I do... some people have a really hard time. But, I couldn't stand being home alone when I could be at work around the people I liked and respected and enjoyed being with.
   — Erica Alikchihoo

October 17, 2009
I had my RNY surgery on a Monday and was back at my desk (systems analyst) the following Monday with no problems.
   — rkurquhart

October 18, 2009
I had RNY on 2 June and was back to work in 3 weeks. I am a nurse. I was back to the gym (Curves) on the 1st Monday in July and up to a mile a day by then also. uccess in a nutshell: keep hydrated, take your vitamins, B-12 and Biotin every day, walk and exercise. Never let a day go by that you are not humbled by the progress you have and the weight loss you are given......good luck and I will say a prayer for you.
   — karensaporito

October 19, 2009
Karen, I felt I could go back to work a week after my lap RNY but I had a friend who reminded me that even though it was done lap, I still had major surgery. I was off 3 weeks.
   — Muggs

November 3, 2009
Hi Karen...I am reading your post on the day of your surgery! I just took a moment to say a prayer for you and I will be thinking of you but you will be just fine. In response to your post, I am a nurse so I know I need to be in tip top shape before I go back to my demanding job. I will probably take 8 weeks off before I go back. I am 3 weeks out of my Lap RNY and I am still fatiqued and I don't know if I would have enough energy right now to go back to work even if it was a desk job. But today I can start eating more of a variety of foods like fish, pasta, soft veggies and fruits so I hope my energy level improves. I do feel relieved after reading so many posts and comments that what I am feeling is normal. Good luck to you and stick with this site because it is really encouraging and supportive. Take care...
   — linjim

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