3 month supervised diet

My insurance is requiring me to do a 3 month supervised diet. But what if I actually lose a good amount of weight? Will I still be able to have the surgery? Because I have lost weight in the past, but then I gain it back plus some. I have my first appt. with the dietician today. So I guess that means I start my 3 months today.    — merehern (posted on June 17, 2009)

June 17, 2009
Dear Meredith... I had to do either a 6 month doctor-supervised weight loss program, or a 3 month program supervised by both my PCP AND a Registered Dietician (not a nutritionist). Of course, I chose the 3 month option, and was seeing the Dietician who works with my WLS surgeon. I followed her eating plan (which is basically what I'd be eating after the surgery, only in more normal size portions) and I lost 27 pounds by the time I had surgery. I was approved in January, though, and at that time I'd only lost something like 15-18 pounds. By the time I had surgery on March 2, I'd lost 27 pounds. It is very helpful to your surgeon if you can lose at least some weight before surgery, so they don't have to maneuver around a fatty liver or fat surrounding other organs, which makes the surgery longer and more risky. If you can do the weight loss program and lose even a little bit of weight, it will prove to your insurance program that you are committed to changing your lifestyle to learn to eat healthy and exercise. Good luck! You can do it!
   — Erica Alikchihoo

June 17, 2009
Exactly what Erika said! (and...I have to do a 4 month 'diet')
   — katrina15

June 17, 2009
I had to do a 6 month supervised diet. I just finish with the 6 month supervised diet. I have lost 54 lbs since Jan 8, 2009, I am waiting for the surgeon office to call me to set up appt to see him. After I see him it goes to the insurance company for approval then if it is approved my surgery date will be set. It is a very long process. I hope it is sometime this summer. It has been so long for me. I worry about the same thing will I not be able to have the surgery since I lost 54 lbs already. Good luck with your 3 month supervised diet. At least it isn't 6 months like mine was. Consider yourself lucky!
   — robinfrommilw

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