I had the gastric sleeve on06/09/08 and have only had liquids since surgery but have

have only lost 10lbs it states that i have only 3 months to lose the weight, so when do start??????????    — lucy77 (posted on June 24, 2008)

June 24, 2008
while there might be an optimal period of time when losing weight happens most quickly, it is not suddenly going to stop after three months. You stomach is smaller now and you can always use that to your advantage. Try not to worry, you will lose weight and do well I am sure. Best of luck
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 24, 2008
HUH??? I've never heard anything about 3 months. You will lose the most weight up to 6 months, then after 6 months, you will have to work the tool a little more, but weight loss should continue the first year, and sometimes even the first 18 months. The first 6 months is when you lose the most, and is also when you are supposed to be learning how to use it because after 6 months, some hunger will return. I'm not sure what sort of information you have gotten, but please don't think your weight loss will stop at 3 months, that's just not true. If you have any questions, feel free to add me as a friend and send me a message. I'll be happy to answer any questions you might have. How long are you supposed to be on liquids? It's been over 2 weeks now? I've never heard of someone with the sleeve being on liquids past 2 weeks. Usually by now mushy foods are introduced. Follow your surgeons rules, but I was just curious when you would be able to start the next stage. Teresa
   — Teresa V.

June 25, 2008
Lucia, I'm a DS post-op, but my son had the sleeve done a 15 months ago. He's slowly and steadily lost his weight - starting with a BMI of 42 and now at a BMI of 24. He still loses a pound here or there. I have to wonder why you've been told you'll only lose for 3 months... does your surgeon advocate a large sleeve? If you have less restriction I could see why your likelihood of losing for a longer period of time would exist. But I've never heard that kind of absolute stated - it seems pretty out of the ordinary - and I know a LOT of Sleeve post-ops! Blessings, dina
   — Dina McBride

June 25, 2008
I have never heard anyone claim that weight loss will stop after three months. I hope your doc didn't tell you that. If he did, then he needs to educate himself a lot more. I was told it may take a year to 18 months, but the biggest loss will occur in the first 6 months. That seems to be a general consensus on these boards.
   — corky1057

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