chocolate craze

i had my surgery 02/2006..lost total 120 pounds.. in the past 2 months i have been craving and eating chocolate like crazy, any kind, can someone please give me a health alternative to this, am scared that i will start adding the pounds back,please, thank you    — jcurry (posted on July 18, 2007)

July 18, 2007
How about sugar free hot chocolate, some SF pudding, and as for me, I am still addicted to the SF popsicles. They get the sweet cravings gone for me
   — Diane C.

July 18, 2007
Get bloodwork some report low vitamin B like b 12 can cause this craving, which effects me too, espically under stress:( I drink a wierd version of chocolate drink, sugar free cook type chocolate pudding mixed with spenda and water, and a tiny amount of vanilla. No cooking just mix well with water and ice. With enough spenda its pretty good and sugar free, pretty low calorie
   — bob-haller

July 18, 2007
When i get like this its because I don't have enough protien and or stressed. Try increasing your protien, I've also just discover the international coffee has a SF mocha flavored mix. it helps with my sweet cravings.
   — Jenney

July 18, 2007
I hope you find something that helps you. I have been looking as well. I could eat chocolate all day, everyday, so I feel for you.
   — *Malena* M.

July 18, 2007
My doctor wants me to drink a SlimFast a day for the protien and when I get a chocolate craving I like their creamy chocolate. I have a friend who does the same, but she likes to freeze hers and eat it like ice cream. Hope this helps.
   — reckysme

July 18, 2007
Hello Jennifer, You can buy SF chocolate pudding, and instead of mixing it with milk try mixing it with whipping cream. It'll make the pudding like a chocolate mousse. Good Luck
   — Kenipela05

July 18, 2007
what about just good old SF chocolate candies, just watch the fat content.
   — bderuiter

July 18, 2007
I've found that when my magnesium levels are good, the cravings for chocolate disappear entirely. I recommend adding a calcium/magnesium/potassium supplement (easily obtained in your local vitamin story)--of course, check with your doctor that it's OK to do this--taken 1-3 times/day.
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 18, 2007
I get that same little urge sometimes too. I have stumbled upon the answer at least for me. I keep a box of Special K protein SNACK bars (4 g. protein, 3.5 g fat, 110 cal) I especially like the chocolate peanut butter flavored. As you can imagine, Reese used to be my favorite and these come really close plus giving you 4 grams of protein. The absolutely fill me up which is surprising because they are only about 1/2 wide and 3-4" long. I urge you to give them a try. They run about $3.78 for a box of 6. AND that box of 6 will last you a while! Hope this helps.
   — Txgal8437

July 18, 2007
When I want chocolate I get the no sugar added fudgecicles. Only 40 calories and taste great. Adds calcium to your diet too. Good Luck.
   — njkbutton

July 18, 2007
Once in a while I will have a craving for chocolate. When I do, I eat Walmart's brand of sugar free ice cream sandwiches. They are really good. Try some sugar free pudding. I think they might make sugar free fudgesicles.
   — barfiep01

July 18, 2007
Hey Jennifer, you were describing me in your question. I have so been in your place soooooooooo many times. I have good news and bad news for you. I am 3 plus years post op, and I have been through a time of severe sugar/chocolate eating. Severe for the bypass patient can mean upto a full sized candy bar (for me). Anyway, it would take a few hours to eat so much chocolate, but I would crave it terrible. The thing about this is that I don't really care for chocolate, so for me to crave it was really crazy. I like other sweets and candy, but not really chocolate. Anyway, I wanted you to know that I have been and still occasionally am in your shoes about this. The bad news first. I have NEVER found a replacement for that type of sweet. Artificial chocolate stuff didn't have the same flavor or textrue, and there was nothing like the smooth taste of chocolate on my tongue, so if you try and succeed with other stuff I say go for it, but it was a waste of calories for me, it didn't work. I wanted what I wanted and the flavor and texture is what I craved. Anyway no matter what I did, it just didn't seem to work, so I came to an adult decision. I can say no. I can feel the craving, but I do not have to own it or reply in full to it. When I want a chocolate, I have a fun size bar, and if I start to eat more than one or two in any given situation, they all go in the trash. If I cannot control my eating in something,I throw it all away and let it go until it is under control. I am an adult, and sometimes decisions are hard, but I don't want to gain any weight back, so I am not willing to let something as silly as food make me go backwards. That is the good news. You can have a small amount of sweet, but you are an adult, so control it. We control anything else we want to, just because we have a strong craving, doesn't mean we have a right to completely satisfy it. We have to train our brains and ourselves that when we say no we mean it, even about food. It is just food, and once the flavor is gone, we want more, it is the obese way. I enjoy a piece of chocolate, and then I want more, an hour later, I want more, the sugar is in my blood and I want, I want, I want. Well, I have to grow up and just because I want, doesn't mean I get. Get a little tough with yourself, and replace a food treat with a hot bath or a distraction. You need a full distraction for a strong craving. I go for a walk, or read a book, or read my Bible and pray. All of these things work, the distraction helps and the determination is good for success. Hope this helps. Take care, Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

July 19, 2007
   — deb44m

July 19, 2007
STOP now cause i went and am going through same thing and I have put on 20lbs because of bad eating habits, but i am a few years out and they say you are expected to gain back 10-15 percent of your weight, I am making arrangements to see a bariatric nutritionist to get me back on track. But if you can, leave the chocolates and carbs alone :)
   — Angelfirewithwings

July 19, 2007
I guess I am one of the lucky ones so far. I am only a little over 3 months out yet crave chocolate/sweets sooooo horribly right now, but I keep remembering what I've read/heard on here. The dumping and how horrible it is! I have not tried any regular chocolate or regular sweets just out of fear, but no matter how good the distraction, I still CRAVE it. What I did was visit the diabetes' aisle at the supermarket and got some SF lemon wafer cookies. I have 1 (sometimes 2 if the craving is severe) and I am good to go for about another week. Granted it's not chocolate, but it takes care of the craving and there are very little calories in them and surgar free! I had forgotten all about SF chocolate pudding! I have some on my shelf, might have to make some today! Good luck!
   — crystalsno

July 19, 2007
Congrats on you magnificent weight loss. You should be proud of yourself. I know the cravings you speak of. Sweet cravings typicaly come from a lack of carbs in your diet. Remember that although you have to reduce your carbs, you can't eliminate them completely. I would suggest that you gradully increase your intake of carbs and protien, and you shoudl see a majority of the sweet cravings disappear. Of course, there is also the mental side of your cravings... which is a much harder question answer... only you, your surgeon and your mental health professional can get to the root of that. Remember, just because you lost the weight, doesn't mean the fight is over ;) Good Luck to you.
   — Harry King

July 20, 2007
I am 5 months out this past weekend. For me - I get a craving for chocolate every now and again. A SF chocolate (Reese's) are yummy (I only eat one and it's good). The SF Ande's mints are yummy, too - again, I only eat one. As previous posters write - they do not taste the exact same as you remember chocolate - that wasn't the case for me. Ironically enough the SF candies are MORE sweet to me. I also will do the SF hot chocolate - SO GOOD! Herseys makes a 100 calorie chocolate wafer cookie. Mother's makes SF wafter cookies. they make 100 calorie Lorna Doone's, chips ahoy, cheese nips, etc. etc. I limit myself to one or two a week. I tend be good. When the craving hits, I would rather eat a 100 calorie whatever than induldge in something worse, plus real chocolate and things high in fat make me SICK. I tried a size less than a miniature of snickers about 2 weeks ago - NO CAN DO....but I know that I cannot eat sugar like that. Every once and again I get the craving and I grieve the items or items, but I sub with something I can eat and it's a pretty good trade. 96lbs. and a new body for 100 calorie snack packs. It's worth it. Good luck. I find alternatives for just about everything - you have to look in every store, under every stone, but you can find a sub for just about anything. Good lcuk.
   — jammerz

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