Anyone have severe dizzyness, fainting, lightheaded episodes?

I am almost 4 months out, and lately I have had severe episodes of being dizzy, lightheaded. Some times fainting. A lot of times I would fall if I don't grab on to something or someone. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this. I know its not dehydration, I get anywhere from 80-100oz a day of water.    — justbecause916 (posted on May 14, 2007)

May 14, 2007
You tend to be weak the first couple of months. I even felt dizzy and weak after my first year. Take it easy and don't over do it.
   — lavonya25

May 14, 2007
PLEASE tell me you have spoken to/seen a doctor about this. Because a quick reminder - we aren't doctors here. Fainting and the type of dizziness you're describing is NOT NORMAL. How much protein are you getting in each day? The absolute bare minimum is 40-50 grams. If you can't do it with food, then supplement. I make fruit smoothies for breakfast and add protein powder. Some people eat protein bars. I would suggest browsing I know it's hard to change your thinking after surgery because for most of us, prior to surgery, we lost weight by starving ourselves. But post-op - you have to eat! You have to take your vitamins too. Vits are non-negotiable and are for life. Please call your doctor ASAP - you need labs drawn because you sound like you could be severely anemic or something. Best wishes, Sarah in VA
   — platypus

May 14, 2007
Yes, (I am one and a half months post op) lightheaded only TWICE and it wasn't but for 2 seconds and it wasn't to the point of fainting! Go to yr doc ASAP! Yours is NOT normal.
   — crystalsno

May 14, 2007
Sounds like low blood sugar level to me. I have it now that I don't have diabetes anymore. Everything you mentioned sounds like what I have. Of course you did not mention anxiety which I feel as well when having a hypoglocemic attack. Best Wishes, you can reach me at [email protected] if you want to chat. Hugs Mickey..................
   — MCraig3

May 14, 2007
You know, I have the same issues and I am almost 2 years post-op. I fainted in the hospital 1 year post-op, after having major back surgery. However, I was having dizzy spells months before that. I have had blood taken every month and I am perfectly healthy. I just deal with them. Some times I do find that if I eat a bit more sugar then I am fine. Let me know if you find anything else out. Malena 329/148 (2lbs below goal)
   — *Malena* M.

May 14, 2007
This past Friday and other times I get these feelings of being off balance -- freaky feeling. But no fainting -- watch the amount of intake of water too -- that can do you just as much harm as not enough.
   — the7thdean

May 14, 2007
I would check with your PCP or surgeon first and foremost. I am 3 months tomorrow and there are times I am dizzy; sometimes I can be sitting and feel like the world is spinning or moving under me. I had my 3-month bloodwork done and I am PERFECT!! I have cataloged the last few episodes and I think it is has to do with low blood sugar. Good luck.
   — jammerz

May 14, 2007
check your blood pressure. I had the same thing for months and finally I saw my doctor. I was having episodes of SYNCOPE, which is when everything would turn black when I stood up from sitting at my desk. I was often very lightheaded and dizzy as well. I learned that my blood pressure had dropped significantly, to 65/45, called HYPOTENSION.. I saw a cardiologist and he said, EAT MORE SALT. But I wouldnt recommend it until you see your doctor. Go to the drug store or fire department and get your blood pressure taken. It is actually a sign of longevity. I didn't start having it until after my surgery. Pre-op, my blood pressure ran about 120/80. Now, normally it is 90/60 and I am 6+ years post-op. Good luck!
   — JGDugar

May 14, 2007
call and make an appt with your surgeon. The symptoms that you are describing are NOT normal, as was said already. It could be several things... it could be low blood sugar, it could be thyroid problems, it could be anemia.... you need to get some blood work done.. be assertive and don't take an answer of "this is normal and it will get better" it isn't normal and could get worse.... be well... call your MD
   — Kari_K

May 14, 2007
Im 4 months out and I experience dizzyness and lightheaded. Sometimes I have to grab something in order not to fall. I have never faint. I think you need to call your doctor and see what they say. The fainting dont sound good.
   — barfiep01

May 15, 2007
Hi! I am 4 years out but what comes to mind is perhaps your blood pressure dropping and/or sometimes getting up to fast will cause this as well. If this continues though I would get in touch with your physician for advice.
   — Deborah F.

May 15, 2007
I agree with the go to the doctor for help. I am over 3 years post op and we found out last year that my body does not hold onto the water I drink. i was drinking 80- 100 oz a day, but my body was not keeping it in my system. I had a lot of the same symptoms. I had to take a test called the tilt table test and and it was positive. I cannot remember the name of the condition because it is a very long name, but the cardiologist who gave it to me said that it can be common in people post bariatric surgery, even though no on I talked to had ever heard of it. I have to increase the salt in my diet, drink plenty of water of course and cut out caffeine. I was already doing the water and caffeine part. I ended up on pills called flourinef to keep sodium in my body since I could not eat enough. I do not like salt much at all. So please go see your Dr. These symptoms are common for a couple different issues, like anemia also. If you ever have any questions, please feel free to email me. Anjonette
   — AjAngelll

May 21, 2007
Get a blood test done. Thyroid included. Test iron....I had the same probelm. My iron level kept going up and down. Your body is telling you something.
   — Oldsoul

May 29, 2007
I am almost 5 years out now and still have this trouble. What I have found is that it is due to sugar lows. Usually after I have eaten something that spikes my sugar up it then slams me down so very very hard. I have passed out, I usually roll sweat and get all shaky and quite disoriented. After it is over I then freeze to death. I have to use milk to bring it up but when they happened in the beginning and I couldnt drink milk I used some sort of ensure or something like that. Good luck to you!!!!
   — peggster

June 7, 2007
Since WLS I have this problem. Sometimes my blood pressure has actually been 80/40! So when I get up and my blood pressure drops I immediatly sit down if I can. If I can not then I lean against the wall and drop my head as low as I can. You need to get blood back in your head as soon as you can. That is if you have the problem I have. ;) PS. I'm six years out and still have this happen sometimes.
   — Kittypup

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