I am almost 4 wks post op. I have not lost a pound in 2 weeks.

I am not able to get all of my protein in like I should. I can not find anything that tastes good at all. Is this why I am not losing weight like I think I should be?    — ctslibra (posted on June 2, 2006)

June 2, 2006
hi i wouldn't worry about this - your body is in shock. it takes times every few weeks and stops. you have to be patient. protein is very important. i drink Muscle Milk - get it at GNC - the 17oz bottle has 34g of protein in it. the chocolate is my favorite. I also eat Power Crunch Bars - 14g of protein in each. if you are 4 weeks- are you eating real food now - so fish/chicken is good and pretty easy. i am 7mo post-op and still don't do much red meat. i do better with fish - love salmon!! Good luck with your journey. I have hit several plateaus - i'm on one now - haven't lost any weight in 6 weeks. it gets very frustrating - but i have to keep my protein up and drinking my water and exercising. i know if i keep doing that it will eventually come off. all of a sudden i will be down 5lbs one day. its funny how your body reacts.
   — akirsch

June 2, 2006
That might have something to do with it. How's your water intake? What are you eating/drinking and how does your pattern go?
   — vitalady

June 2, 2006
I too have problems getting in protein some days and I have hit a plateau. Don't get discouraged, I have found those south beach diet protein bars very tasty and 1 bar is 19gms of protein. I also get whey protein powder from trader joes and world wide protein shakes in the can. I find I lose weight when I take in 1000 cal vs. 600-700. good luck in your journey.
   — toni J.

June 3, 2006
this is normal. your body needs time to adjust. just remember to get in as much protein has possble and drink water. wait a week then get on the scale. if no changes then i would evalute what your eating and maybe add some exercise to get your metabolism moving. short 5 min. walks. just give yourself and your body some time. the weight will come off, sometimes a little slower than other times. good luck and God Bless
   — karrie777

June 3, 2006
I agree that you're probably just on a plateau, you'll start plumetting again soon! :) As far as protein, I've found that if I mix Unjury Protein Powder - vanilla flavored with a can of Minute Maid Light mango flavor, it tastes just like an orange julius, or an orange smoothy. This is what saved me, the only way I've been able to get my protein in. Good Luck!
   — onmiway

June 3, 2006
cindy, Try the profect from protica. I hate anything that tastes like milk and when I first started this journey I really had a hard time. I would just hold my nose and force the stuff down. I felt that if I had to do that to get to where I wanted to be, then that is what I would have to do, then I found the isopure drinks at GNC and they weren't the greatest to me, but they at least didn't have a milky taste to them. Then along came the profect by protica, it is 2.7 oz and has 25 grams of protein, I knew that even if it didn't taste good that I could handle 2.7 oz 3 or 4 times a day, to get the results that I was after. To my surprise, the taste was pretty good, I only use 2 of the 4 flavors, they are kinda expensive, but I look at the money that I am no longer spending on all the food that got me to where I was and I figured that I was worth it. If you set yourself up as a continuing customer, they even give you a good discount, and I have changed the timing of my shipments and was still able to maintain the discount that they offered me. I tell you, I wish that I had a bit of real money, I would look into becoming a distributor of the stuff. I can't say enough about it, It is just great. Hope this helps, don't let the time that it takes to lose the weight, don't go by how everyone else is doing, just keep sight of the reasons that you took this journey for yourself. Make yourself the first priority. You are worth it. Email me if you like, I have hit some of the bumps and I try to keep myself going and friends that have been or are now in the same boat with you helps, Trust me, we need each other. Those that have not had to deal with the reasons and results of weight loss surgery don't get it and never will. Don't get me wrong, I know that many care about their loved ones, but it is sorta like the saying, walk a mile in my shoes, then you could really get it. Good luck. Debbie
   — imdebbie

June 4, 2006
It is normal to lose like you are!! Be patient with yourself, it will not happen overnight! I lost 30 pounds the first week, then gained 8 back, then didn't lose again for a whole month. Also I NEVER got all my protein in, I dang near starved to death, I couldn't stomach the nasty supplements and meat made me sick, I couldn't even drink water for a long time (maybe 8 ounces of liquid a day)! So I have never to this day got in all my protein, I don't have the energy to excersize (never did) I am almost 3 years out, have lost 216 pounds, wear a size 8/medium and I am pregnant!! So you will do fine. Just do the best you can!! You will lose no matter what, my main thing was to avoid carbs at first, stick with veggies!! When I was able to eat I started with cheese, veggies, soft meats, Wendy's chili--no bread or pasta!! Do take your vitamins though, I got severly anemic because I got sick when taking the vitamins, I finally had to start making myself eat them!! But now I am doing good, eating fine (maybe too much since pregnant), and staying hydrated.

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