is there any one else that is tring to find a doctor that will do a reveision

   — CAROL W. (posted on September 17, 2003)

September 17, 2003
Carol, my vote for your new surgery is the DS. To find out why, you can learn all about it at But no matter what surgery you decide to get, the most important thing is to find a surgeon who is very experienced at doing revisions. They are much more complicated than first-time surgery. I'm so sorry you have regained the weight! My heart goes out to you. You might want to join Good luck!
   — Chris T.

September 17, 2003
carol, what was your original type of surgery? how long ago did you have it done? what kind of problems did you have? If you contact local surgeons who have had alot of experience, then you may find a good one who does revisions. It is more difficult to do revisions so you will want to find a surgeon who is really comfortable with doing the wls to begin with. Please keep us advised. I'll keep you in my prayers. Lisa
   — Lisa H.

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