I am 8 weeks post-op and have gained 3 pounds. What is wrong?

   — Linda M. (posted on September 11, 2003)

September 11, 2003
This is something that has been asked and answered over and over again. It is very common, especially in the beginning to see your weight fluctuate by a few pounds. It happens to me ALL THE TIME. You haven't gained any weight, your body just isn't letting go of those 3 pounds quite yet. We weigh different weights at different times of the day. My scale might say one thing in the morning and say something else in the afternoon. Most people will say to quit weighing yourself a lot, but not everyone feels like that. I weigh myself everyday and am very aware of my body patterns and I don't freak out if my weight fluctuates by a few pounds. Lap RNY 5/6/03 237/170/120
   — Dawn P.

September 11, 2003
Same as the previous poster. I constantly gained a few pounds only to lose them and a few more a week or two later. Its just the way your body works....
   — Cindy R.

September 11, 2003
Is it possible that your monthly is approaching? I gained 5lbs which fell off within the week.
   — [Deactivated Member]

September 11, 2003
Ditto on the monthly period. It happens to me every month right befor it starts and then I drop it back down several days after it stops. This also happends to persons who have not had WLS. Don't worry, that small of a fluxuation won't hurt you in the long run.
   — Jane S.

September 12, 2003
I agree with the others, I have not had wls yet, but that small of a fluctuation can be normal. I weigh myself everyday, sometimes twice, just because I like to keep tabs on what's going on. I notice that my body has always fluctuated 3-5lbs almost every day. Useually from morning till night, by the next morning I am back to what I was. This is obviously when I am staying the same, but even when losing, it does that. So I wouldn't freak out too much. Though I know we want every pound to disappear and not see those numbers go up at all. Don't get discouraged, it just sounds normal to me. Bev
   — Beverly M.

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