sorry asking again but if I have enough sf ice pops its enough liquid intake?

   — jminer410 (posted on July 25, 2009)

July 25, 2009
I am not sure where your at as far as when you had your WLS but I think you need about 70 to 80 os a day !!
   — matigian

July 25, 2009
well, it could be possible, but to determine how many you would need, you would have to melt one, measure how many LIQUID oz it has, then figure out how many it would take to get in the liquids. When I was early post op a lot of my liquid intake was from SF pops, as I had a very hard time with nausea from water. BUT you really do need to try to get in some plain water as much as possible as you are able. Try a touch of lemon squeezed into the water. makes it more pleasant to drink. Remember too, if you are early out, when you drink you need to take tiny sips lots of them :o)
   — Patrece S.

July 25, 2009
I beleive the package tells you how many ounces a popcicle is. I do knw that the popcicle brand in yellow box is about 1.5 ounces per two (that come hooked together by packaging ) is 3 ounces. You'd need to eat a lot. Try jello is considered a liquid. Sugar free of course. But try drinking milk or v-8 or water. You will need to drink eventually, so better get the new tummy used to it. Best of luck to you! hugs, kim
   — gpcmist

July 26, 2009
Water still seems a little harsh to me and I am 4 months out VSG. I drink caffine free iced tea sweetened with stevia. It is easier for me to digest than water and it has antioxidants in it that are beneficial to my body. It has really helped me to get in my liquids. I hope you find something that you are able to drink in addition to sf popsicles so that you don't get dehydrated and too much artificial sweetner is not good for you either. I'm sure you'll be able to handle more soon. I hope things go well for you and you have great success.
   — Lisa von Wallmenich

July 27, 2009
You have to watch out with too much ice pops due to the sugar alcohols may bother your stomach. Warm liquids were more soothing in the beginning. Have you tried decaf tea?
   — [Deactivated Member]

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