I got a fill two weeks ago, and now I am "foaming" a lot

Right after I eat I have to throw up sometimes, but it is like the 'foamies' not the food I just ate. Any ideas why, or how to stop it?    — loisdierlam (posted on July 3, 2008)

July 3, 2008
I only got the foamies after eating if I ate too much, and sometimes to much was 1 bite out of the only 2 I had. For months I could only eat 1 bite every couple hrs. But eventually it stops. This is were You have to learn what your body and belly is telling You. The slightest feeling of being full ya better stop cause just that one more nibble is the differance in the frothy cotton mouth cold sweat stomach spasm upchuck. BUT hey atleast your losing weight right. Best Wishes Shell
   — Shell G

July 3, 2008
What you are describing is called PB ( Productive Burp) it is usually caused by eating too fast......not chewing your food good enough...swallowing air as you eat.....your bites should be no larger than a should chew your food until it is mush........keep your portions to 1/2 to 1 cup and make sure that 85 % of what you eat is protein........try takeing much smaller bites.....this is not something you want to do on a regular basis......listen to you body....once you start getting true restriction it will take you longer and longer to eat if you do it take this time now to get the good habits might want to check out another web site at Yahoo Groups.....type in Bandbuddies deals with mainly Lap band patients and might just be another site you might like.....Pam / Ft Worth.....bandster Bites Silverware.... [email protected]

July 4, 2008
The foam is made from Saliva running down your throat. You are eating too fast for your new pouch and it taking saliva to help pass the food. Your old stomach had room for this and it helpped pas the food. Right now the answer is to slow down, take smaller bites, chew 30-50 times before swallowing. It helps to set your fook down between bites for 30 seconds before taking it up to work on the next bite. If you do not learn to correct this, you will also take meet one day that will not pass through and it will cause so much saliva that you will have a mouth full in just a mintute or two. This keeps on until it passes, and that could be 8 hours and it can hurt in the gut as well. Best course to practice eating slowly, chewing, not eathing more than the amount to take you to 90% full and only you will know what that is. On me, I could take what I am going to eat, and run it in a food processor and it would measure 4 ounces. Make sure not to eat well done meats as there is no moisture in the meat to help it pass. Hope this helps you. Best of success to you.
   — William (Bill) wmil

July 4, 2008
The foam is made from Saliva running down your throat. You are eating too fast for your new pouch and it taking saliva to help pass the food. Your old stomach had room for this and it helpped pas the food. Right now the answer is to slow down, take smaller bites, chew 30-50 times before swallowing. It helps to set your fook down between bites for 30 seconds before taking it up to work on the next bite. If you do not learn to correct this, you will also take meet one day that will not pass through and it will cause so much saliva that you will have a mouth full in just a mintute or two. This keeps on until it passes, and that could be 8 hours and it can hurt in the gut as well. Best course to practice eating slowly, chewing, not eathing more than the amount to take you to 90% full and only you will know what that is. On me, I could take what I am going to eat, and run it in a food processor and it would measure 4 ounces. Make sure not to eat well done meats as there is no moisture in the meat to help it pass. Hope this helps you. Best of success to you.
   — William (Bill) wmil

July 4, 2008
The foam is made from Saliva running down your throat. You are eating too fast for your new pouch and it taking saliva to help pass the food. Your old stomach had room for this and it helpped pas the food. Right now the answer is to slow down, take smaller bites, chew 30-50 times before swallowing. It helps to set your fook down between bites for 30 seconds before taking it up to work on the next bite. If you do not learn to correct this, you will also take meet one day that will not pass through and it will cause so much saliva that you will have a mouth full in just a mintute or two. This keeps on until it passes, and that could be 8 hours and it can hurt in the gut as well. Best course to practice eating slowly, chewing, not eathing more than the amount to take you to 90% full and only you will know what that is. On me, I could take what I am going to eat, and run it in a food processor and it would measure 4 ounces. Make sure not to eat well done meats as there is no moisture in the meat to help it pass. Hope this helps you. Best of success to you.
   — William (Bill) wmil

July 6, 2008
I had a fill 6-25 and for the first time, I had the foamies and I did throw up but I realized I was eating to fast (I was with someone that I had really not wanted to eat with) I hadn't told her that I had lap band surgery because I didn't want to hear her talk about what a big mistake it was, that I could cut back if I wanted to! She is 80 and set in her ways and nothing anyone can do pleases her...she is an irregular person in my life. So I know now that I was eating too fast just to get out of the diner. Just eat slower and when you can tell that you are full, just quit. Good Luck!!!
   — dyates2948

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