Lab work shows low levels

I will be a year out on Dec 27th and down 188 lbs! (yay!) have had no problems/complications... but lab work last week came back showing I am very low on electrolytes, potassium, calcium, glucose, and calcium. I have an appt with PCM on Thursday to get "replacements"... anyone know what those are?    — airbear762000 (posted on December 17, 2007)

December 17, 2007
Wow, that is soooo awesome!!! Congrats my dear!!!!!!!! Woohoo, life is good! Now, do as your doc says and replace all the vits and minerals you are losing!! Or they WILL become a problem for you!! =( Here's to a new you in 2008! =)
   — ChristiMNB

December 17, 2007
Most of what you named is a part of gatorade, so you may want to replace a drink a day with a gatorade. The calcium you should be taking supplements for maybe you should increase your dosage. Congratulations on what you have done so far, hope to reach my goal by next dec.
   — dapoohster38

December 17, 2007
I am only a little over three weeks out; so I realize I am somewhat naive about alot of this but people please... tell me you did not have this surgery and your doctor and his/her staff not educated you on all the supplements you should have been on from the beginning. I understand that every surgeon is different as is every patient but they do call this a malabsorbtion producing surgery. This, of course, meaning that your body will not absorb all the things it needs because of not only changes in your gut but the amount of time those things are in there to be useful. According to my surgeon & dietician from the very beginning (once reasonable healing had taken place) I started on sublinqual B12, four doses of calcium citrate (four doses because the body can only absorb so much at once) per-day, two chewable Flintstones Complete Vitamins (am & pm) and protein supplements. I even had to sign a contract stating that I understood that this is a life-long committement. It furthday said that if I fail to up-hold my end of the deal (doing the above & more) then I would be released from the practice's care and would have to follow-up with my primary care doctor.... So, are you actually saying that all this time you haven't been on the supplements that would have kept you from becoming low in the first place? Good Luck, Leslie
   — LuvNSummer

December 17, 2007
Leslie, thanks for your comments, I just want to be clear that I did a lot of research before having my RNY as well as the required symposium my surgeon had me attend. I also had to do the battery of required tests etc, etc. I HAVE been taking my mulit-vitamins, B-12's, iron, calcium, etc from the beginning. While this IS a "malabsorbtion" surgery it means exactly that--- some of what we ingest simply won't be absorbed... obviously that is what has happened.
   — airbear762000

December 17, 2007
While I do not know the answer to your question, I just wanted to add my congradulations! I just had my 1st birthday also on the 15th of this month! I have not yet, but probably soon had any problems. I am starting to feel a bit run down so I guess it is time for an appointment and some bloodwork too. I am at goal, or should I say I would be if I did not have 25 lbs of hanging skin, thank God for Spanx. I am not a Spanx dealer but I should be. A woman who had gastric bypass invented these, she was on Oprah. They keep the skin nicely tucked in for us chickens that will not have tummy tucks. You are awesome and continued success to you. Happy Holidays, I am sure yours were not the best last year like mine, but look at us now! Well worth it don't you think! Yahooooooo!
   — noboat4u

December 18, 2007
Please believe, no insult intended, from just reading the question post it seemed to have ommited any indication that the required "doctor recommended goodies" were being taken into consideration and that the "replacements" referenced were to be in addition to what you've already done over your post-op period. I wish you good luck and increased health witht he new replacement therapy.
   — LuvNSummer

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