Over whelming anxiety

I have taken xanax for anxiety for a long time. 0.5mg. I had RNY september 18,2007. My body feels like it wants to crawl out of it self. Bad anxiety. Otherwise I am doing good.What do you think is going on. Is this normal? Cindy    — nanacindy (posted on October 9, 2007)

October 9, 2007
I have heard from others (and from researching on the web) that mood swings (odd emotions) are common for the first few weeks after the surgery, but they should settle in the relatively near future. Good luck! You have us all here for you.
   — EvilOverLady

October 9, 2007
.5 mg isn't very much. Maybe it isn't getting into your system with your new stomach. I would suggest that you talk to your doctor immediately about maintance and how you are feeling. I have Xanax for really bad days, and I only take Lexapro 20 mg each day to keep my sertoin levels balance. I haven't had to use the Xanax in months - thank god. I keep it in my purse for when I feel like my head is going to turn inside out. My family doctor recently made me make an appointment with a shrink (who could write scripts) to get better control of my medicine. I haven't had any problems with my levels in a long while, but my family doctor thinks I need a expert and not her to help me maintain this balance. It has taken years of experience and knowing when to ask for a higher dose or to change a med when it isn't working any more. Maybe you need to discuss some other type of anixety medicine now that you are in a new phase. Blessings, Sami Sue
   — Sami U.

October 9, 2007
Normal....yes and no. I had/have anxiety before surgery and after. With all of your hormones being released back into your body, floating around.....yes.....anxiety was/is still some days the call of the day. I would suggest seeing your PCP and ask him for a higher dose until you get through the rapid part of the WL. Good luck.
   — jammerz

October 10, 2007
I had my RNY on September 24th and I know what you are talking about. I was taking Cymbalta. But since we no longer benefit from medications that are time released, it doesn't work. I am going to see the doctor next week to find out what will work for me since the surgery. But rest assured, you are not alone. I feel like a complete emotional wreck. But I'm told that is normal. It stinks, but it's normal. I wish you all the best of luck and hang in there. Take a deep breath and get through one day at a time.
   — dragontears

October 10, 2007
During rapid weightloss your hormones are raging. Perhaps you may need your dosage or meds changed?
   — tazthewiz23

October 10, 2007
Before you change your dosage etc. How are you taking it? Are you taking it with a glass of water and swallowing it? If so stop, that doesn't always work. Put it directly under your tongue and let it dissolve. It tastes absolutely HORRIBLE, but it works immediately and better that way. Yes I know this as a fact as I used to be on the exact same dosage back in 1995 for 6 months. (I was able to get my anxiety under control and took myself off Xanax). My PCP told me to take it this way and it worked immediately. If you put it under your tongue and let it dissolve, that main big blood vein will absorb it and get it into your blood stream within a few seconds to a few mins. Just remember it tastes REALLY horrible, but it works. I think part of the reason why I was able to get myself off it, was because of the taste. It took my focus off my anxiety and made me focus on the bad taste. Good luck and God bless!
   — crystalsno

October 10, 2007
Well a few things could be coming into play here. The biggest thing is, you're fresh out of surgery and your estrogen levels are probably going nuts. That and your body just had a major trauma and it could be reacting to that. This is completely normal even though it's frustrating. That said, I had to go on busbar about 18 months post op. As you lose and as your body gets used to the new stomach, you might experience some abosorption issues. To be honest I would hold off on changing the meds for a while simply because your still so newly post op. Unfortunately it sounds like what you're experiencing is pretty normal. I don't check OH that much so if you have more questions just contact me at [email protected]
   — newslady72712

October 10, 2007
Cindy, I can so relate! I had RNY in June and have been battling anxiety and depression. I have doubled my antidepressant and that too helps with my anxiety. It all makes sense though. Besides having major surgery with a major life style change, we are physically and emotionally having to adjust. We are rapidly losing weight and we store our estrogen in fat cells so our hormones are going, "what the **(*&%^%^*^&%!!!!" It is normal. Best wishes to feeling better with this all. Neisha
   — neisha =.

October 13, 2007
Are you still taking the Xanax? It sounds to me like you may be having some withdrawl symptoms. It's possible that your body isn't absorbing it as well. If you are needing to take Xanax every day and/or more than once a day, you might do better with a different type of med. Paxil and Lexapro (both anti-depressants) and Buspar are used to try and prevent anxiety. You also might want to ask about Klonopin. It's similar to Xanax but the effect lasts a lot longer. Xanax only works for a couple hours while Klonopin can last all day. You also might to find a therapist who can teach you how to do progressive relaxation, meditation, and/or breathing exercises meant to reduce anxiety. I don't really think "normal" exists... but what I will say is that you are by no means the only person experiencing this and that most people have dealt with anxiety problems at some time in their life best wishes
   — mrsidknee

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