Menstral Cycle Difficulties 5 mos post op

I am 5 months post op and my cycle just won't quit. I have had PCOS for over 20 years. My ob-gyn says it is because I am losing weight. I am concerned that my iron levels will go to low. Has anyone else had this problem? If so, what did you do? My ob-gyn hasn't been any help, except to tell me that I needed to go back on Ovral (the highest level of birth control). Thanks.    — cdavison (posted on March 17, 2006)

March 16, 2006
I too was told that my cycle would work itself out. When you get to that point where your weight is stable it takes a while for your body to catch up and then you lose again which starts the cycle all over again. If your iron levels are too low you will have other symptoms but most protein and your vitamin supplements have iron so you should be fine. My ob/gyn stated as females we lose iron during the monthly cycle but not enough to require supplements except in very rare cases. Stay in touch with your ob/gyn about things. If possible consider talking with your doctor about going off the pill if you have no sexual contact and then re-start after a period of time so that the dose for your body changes will match. Always practice safe sex which means birth control during this time of your recovery.
   — 1968 Loser

March 16, 2006
I have had my cycle every 2 weeks since September. I am just now beginning to regulate as my weight loss has slowed some. It is related to hormonal changes with the rapid weight loss and it will balance out. I was slightly anemic so I started on VItron C 2 times a day for iron building. I have been taking borth control pills all along and I am sure without them I would have had worse cylces than what they were. Hang in there, maybe start on some iron supplements until your cycles balance out. Good luck.
   — scharlier

March 17, 2006
I am pre-op but I also have PCOS and I was having the same problems. My GYN said I should have my uterus carterized and I did and haven't had a period or any problems since. Have you thought about changing GYN's?
   — Tanya1992

March 17, 2006
Cathy, I am on Depoprovera and had my cycle for 6 straight weeks at 4 months out and then again at 9 months out had it for another month non stop, not heavy it just didn't stop. It does work itself out, some do have to go on Birth control to get it back into a cycle but I was on it and still had issues. I hope it stops soon for you. Denise
   — dlryanoates

March 17, 2006
I am now 2 years out but it took me almost a full year to regulate on my own. I went through the same thing - it seemed like I wouldn't have a period for months, then I would bleed for 6 weeks or more. One month shy of my 1 year anniversary, I actually had a full on period only 3 weeks after my previous one. But it seems at one year out things got very normal for me. The thing is, if you haven't had a good solid period for years, you may need some provera to clean you out. If your lining is too thick, it might take a long while to get it all out on your own. I know it makes you bleed like a stuck pig, but it's better than dragging it out for months. Discuss these options with your doctor and see if that might not be a good solution for you right now. As for the iron - there is a good chance you'll need to eventually suppliment with it anyway, regardless of how long you're on your period. Hope that helps.
   — Dinka Doo

March 17, 2006
I was on my period from the day of surgery (Sept. 28) until mid December. I thought it was the surgery but when my surgeon found out, he said to go see a gynocologist. It turns out I may have misdiagnosed as NOT having PCOS. We are still working on that. My problem is more that I have absent periods but they are very heavy when I do have them.
   — newslady72712

March 18, 2006
I have PCOS as well...and I had a period every 2 weeks after my surgery. My gynecologist upped my birthcontrol pill and I have been fine ever since. I have not had any problems with my iron. Feel free to email me if you want or need to chat about anything..:)
   — AjAngelll

March 18, 2006
Hi! I was never diagnosed with PCOS, so I don't know if my experience applies. I always had a regular menstural cycle(I know many obese individuals don't) but, after surgery, and I am not sure when, I had a change. First, I bled for about two weeks... non stop. Then, I got my periods roughly every two weeks. They have since leveled off, but this past month I had it and thought it was gone only for it to return. I believe it is our hormones and the changes we are going through. Good luck!
   — septembergirl73

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