Are steps a problem?

   — Kristi M. (posted on December 10, 2004)

December 10, 2004
Only your doctor can answer that question for you.
   — ChristineB

December 10, 2004
My Doctor told me to excerise.....I live in a two story home and was also concerned about steps. I did fine. From the day I came home I did the steps. I was more concerned about not making it to the bathroom. But as the urge came I went. Not very fast but did not have a problem. Now it is great....I can run the steps if I wanted to and not get out of breathe. So much better than before the surgery.
   — dcox94

December 11, 2004
in the begininng i stay downstairs most of the day i do have a bthroom on the first floor once i went upstairs i stay there in the begining that is in time it gets better but you really need to check with your dr that would be best my surgery was 050302 i have lost 135lbs i still have some promblems with my legs i think i waited to long ot have the surgery and the weight has done some damage to my left leg i have nerve damage in it but i go to thereapy and work at it but i am very glad i had the surgery good luck if you ever want to write feel freet to write me rosemary

December 12, 2004
No, not a problem at all. I had open RNY. I live on the 2nd floor. The PT's at the hospital just made sure I could walk up and down a flight before I left the hospital. I never found stairs to be painful at all, just needed to take them slow in the beginning.

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