My Lean Cuisine lunch made be very sick...

I ate about half of a Lean Cuisine chicken/broccoli alfredo with pasta the other day. I ate the chicken first, then some broccoli, and then a few bites of the pasta. I knew almost immediately that it was not going to stay down, and threw up (pretty violently) 3 times. I felt OK after that. I was just wondering if you think it was the alfredo sauce that made me sick, or the pasta? I've had a couple of bites of pasta before at times, and it hasn't bothered me. It's possible I didn't chew well enough - I'm still trying to get the hang of that at times. Anyway, it was pretty nasty, and I was just wondering what you folks thought it could be. I'm not really having too many other food problems at this point. Thanks for you input.    — Carlita (posted on November 10, 2003)

November 10, 2003
I wouldn't think that just a few bites of the pasta would make you that ill. I didn't check to see how far post-op you are, but I'd be more inclined to believe that you just didn't chew well enough. If I eat too fast or don't chew well enough, I can tell right away when it's coming back up and it's normally the only thing that comes back up and I feel perfectly normal afterwards.
   — Carolyn M.

November 10, 2003
Well you're not even 2 months post-op, right? Sometimes your stomach just doesn't want food in it, early on.
   — mrsmyranow

November 10, 2003
I'm inclined to go with the eat to fast theory here. 2 years out and I still have that problem if I eat too quickly.
   — RebeccaP

November 10, 2003
I THINK it was the chicken. It was nine months out before I could eat chicken without puking my guts up. You know what? I'm 2.5 years post op... ate chicken and bisquits at a church dinner Saturday and puked it up. Sometimes I can eat chicken and other times I can't. Heck I was eating steak and beef jerky at 8 days out.. but I can't seem to eat chicken without problems even this far out. Go figure. I bet it was the chicken that caused your problems.
   — Danmark

November 10, 2003
If you know you can tolerate each of the foods, then it likely wasn't anything you ate. Sometimes it's eating too fast, others it's not chewing enough (which sorta goes hand-in-hand with the too fast part.) My problem seems to be that when I eat too fast (which I still haven't learned what exactly that means) I don't realize I'm full until too late. Make sense? I've thrown up maybe 3 times and each time I had put the fork down already, but by the time my head realized my stomach was full there was probably 2-3 extra bites in there -- and there was nothing I could do to stop it. Guess it's just a game of watching quanity and slowing it down. I have learned, that if I'm doing several other things when I'm eating - I'm not paying enough attention to how much and how fast I eat. Good luck.
   — Ryan M.

November 10, 2003
Thank you all for your answers. I'm going to go on the assumption that it was eating too fast, although I will watch the chicken, Daniel. Depending on the preparation, I have had a couple of problems with it. And I do have to be more careful to stay focused on the actual task of eating. It's hard to do this, when for your whole life you've "absent-mindedly" shoved things in your face! But I'm learning!
   — Carlita

November 13, 2003
Could have been the broccoli. I was advised not to eat that or brussel sprouts for several months. I am almost 3 months out and have no problems with chicken, I eat it for lunch and dinner almost everyday.
   — tazfan

November 13, 2003
Carla, I'm 11 wks post op and not able to eat white meat chicken or turkey:( I CAN eat both as lunchmeat, just not as whole pieces. I guess it's too dry, because I can eat dark meat. Go figure. But give it some time...maybe you'll be able to later on. A couple bites of pasta also can make me sick..but not always. Broccoli doesnt bother me at all.
   — kathy B.

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