My insurance requires my cholesterol to be over 300 to get approved -

I know this is really really high - and I hope its not that bad, but if its the only way I can get this approved I hope its higher. I have done the psych eval (I'm sane) - have documentation of arthritis by x-ray, have hypertension and on medications for diabetes (for PCOS). The only thing I'm really worried about now is the cholesterol. I am going in next week to have this tested. If its not over 300, do you think there is a way to fight this? I know 240 is considered extremely bad. Any advice is appreciated! Kristie    — Kristie M. (posted on September 5, 2002)

September 5, 2002
I think you need to re-check your information on this one. Over 200 is considered high and over 300 would make you a cardiac risk. If it is true that they want you over 300, then appeal it. There are skinny people walking around with high cholesterol just because of familial traits. Yes, the surgery will help reduce cholesterol, but there are far more extreme co-morbidities to warrent having this procedure.
   — Sue A.

September 5, 2002
RIDICULOUS!!! I was 280 pounds and had a very low cholesterol reading. It sounds like the insurance company did it's homework and its a way out of paying or they are REALLY stupid! I would fight this one! Good Luck!
   — ZZ S.

September 5, 2002
That sounds pretty crazy. Cholesterol can sometimes have nothing to do with weight. I am currently 250 lbs at 5'5 and my cholesterol is 160, while my aunt has cholesterol in the low 200's and she is 5'5 and 140 lbs. I would investigate. Good Luck!
   — Tara J.

September 5, 2002
Yes - I talked to someone on the phone and she sent me a criteria requirement list of things I did not meet. It clearly states 300. I was in shock because I know 240 is extremely high. If this ends up being the only thing that will stop me I will be so PO'd. I will keep Walter in mind, heard lots about him. Kristie
   — Kristie M.

September 5, 2002
If you eat a high cholesterol meal the morning of the test, and have the test done about 2 hours later, your colesterol will be elevated. The doc will tell you not to eat or drink anything before the test. And that is why. This is a crazy criteria. Good luck to you!!
   — Vicki L.

September 5, 2002
My test isn't until 3pm in the afternoon. They never told me not to eat either. What would be a good suggestion of foods to make this go higher? Thanks Kristie
   — Kristie M.

September 6, 2002
I had wls with a cholesterol level below 200. If you don't follow the instructions that your Dr gave you your tests will not be vailid. Also if you do this diliberatly to change numbers to a higher or lower number you are comitting insurance fraud. Were I an insurance investigator I would monitor this site and try to catch people. I would not want this to happen to anyone (jail and/or fine). Please consider what you are doing or plan to do!!
   — Robert L.

September 6, 2002
I had wls with a cholesterol level below 200. If you don't follow the instructions that your Dr gave you your tests will not be vailid. Also if you do this diliberatly to change numbers to a higher or lower number you are comitting insurance fraud. Were I an insurance investigator I would monitor this site and try to catch people. I would not want this to happen to anyone (jail and/or fine). Please consider what you are doing or plan to do!!
   — Robert L.

September 6, 2002
My doctor never told me not to eat anything - but they are doing all routine lab tests on me. I hope I do not have high test results, but if this is the only way to get approved - and the only thing stopping me, I have to do what I can. I have multiple co-morbitites but they are making this as hard as possible to get approved. Thanks to everyone for advice! Kristie
   — Kristie M.

September 6, 2002
The cholesterol thing is CRAP. Cholesterol doesnb't determine who si overwieght and who is not. My mother, for example, is 54, 5'3 and 110 but has a cholesterol of 275...My sister, who is 5'9 and 150, has a cholesterol of 220...I was 300 lbs pre-op with a 170 choleterol...which is below average. Heather (8/15 Post Op, down 26lbs).
   — heathercross

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