What determines WHO gets to

Some seem to not have excess skin? Does having lost & regained a lot of wt. determine this? I've lost & gained my whole life & am scheduled for surgery.    — Ann M. (posted on August 26, 2002)

August 26, 2002
I've been wondering this myself. I've read a lot on it and from the responces of others, it has a lot to do with age and genetics. The older you get, the less elasticity your skin has. Kind of like when you have a baby. If your young enough your skin can bounce back. On the other hand, I'm only 20 and it looks as though I'll need plastic surgery on my arms and tummy. So I guess it also has a lot to do with how much your skin has stretched and how long you've been obese. Best of luck on your surgery.
   — Sarah K.

August 26, 2002
I think it may have more to do with how long you have been heavy. The more years, then the more the skin has been stretched. I never started gaining weight until I was 19 or 20 so I had around 24 years of presure on my skin from the stretching. So mine is'nt returning to normal very well.
   — Danmark

August 26, 2002
I have to say, it is like a balloon. The longer you keep it blown up the bigger it will stay big, when the air is let out. This is what I explain to my friends. If you a balloon and keep it blown only for one day it is not to bad out of shape, but if you leave it for weeks, months or years it will stay that way. Good luck!
   — hklang70

August 26, 2002
LOL Becky...I've been hit with both too! I'm only 27 and am certain that much, much plastic surgery is in my future! My mom tells me my family has gemeticly bad (i.e. - non-elastic) skin. And my har? Ugh, well over a third of it is gone with the wind - literally, on some days!
   — PaulaM

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