How soon will I be able to return to a factory job?

I work for Frito-Lay as a factory worker (pretzel packer) - lifting up to 30lbs, lots of lifting, pushing, pulling, and bending. I stand on my feet 8-12 hours a night, with 2 short breaks and a 30 min lunch. My concern is missing too much work. I think I'll be able to get disabilty while I'm out, but I worry it won't be enough to cover all my bills. I have no extra money and I may have to get a bank loan to make ends meet just for the surgery. How long until I can safely return to work? What is the shortest? Longest?    — HeidiMc (posted on July 18, 2002)

July 18, 2002
If you get Lap, about a month. With your physical job really try to get Lap to minmize the incisional hernia risk. OPen about 2 months with a 30% chance of hernia that will require yet another surgery and time off for recovery.<P> Of course every surgeon has different rules but this should givre you a general idea of whats needed.
   — bob-haller

July 18, 2002
I have a very physically demanding job as well. I had open RNY and I ended up taking a total of 7 weeks off. I'm currently on restricted duty for the next couple of weeks. It's very important that you don't overdo it, because you'll just set yourself back further. I was lucky that I received 100% salary for the entire time. Good luck!
   — Kris S.

July 18, 2002
You work for a very large company it will have to take you back with limitations on your physical duties until you are released by your Doctor and yes you will beable to collect disability I think it pays 3/4 of your salery not counting overtime but Frito Lay will have to take you back and work you somewhere that is not as strenuous until you have your medical release at least in CA they would
   — Kathleen M.

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