4 weeks post op my HEARTBURN won't go away- ikeep taking prilosec-

Also i feel so much nausea all the time and feel run down-i take tons of vitamins and i think they are giving me heartburn i also want to thank everyone for all the kind responses to my previous questions-GOD Bless    — cocopierre (posted on April 8, 2010)

April 8, 2010
Hi, have you called the DR? I could not take the prilosec..had to change. also tried many things. finally got melt in mouth prevacid. I wish you well.
   — tootsie52

April 8, 2010
Thank you so much for the input-it is greatly appreciated. I think i will call the DR. in the morning and i shall mention your suggestion as well.
   — cocopierre

April 8, 2010
I agree with Julie, you should call your Dr. But what I use is Protonix, and I have No heartburn.
   — [Deactivated Member]

April 8, 2010
My Dr. has me taking Nexium, it's expensive but I have no heartburn.
   — FSUMom

April 8, 2010
I also have Maalox Advanced Maximum Strength chewables on me at all times! It is amazing how it works!!!!!
   — Kim M.

April 9, 2010
Nothing used to work for me...until prevacid...Now they sell it OTC! Since surgery, I don't have heartburn anymore, but occassionally I get that acidy/pain in my gut and I open a prevacid capsule and swallow the the little beads inside, taking a few chews of the stuff (doesn't have a strong awful taste)...Immediately that feeling goes away...It's the only heartburn med that ever truly worked AND HEALED the damage from my hiatal hernia...Good luck!
   — .Anita R.

April 9, 2010
I would call the dr for sure.. I take Aciphex and it works well for me. I got that nausea feeling from having the acidy heartburn. Best of Luck!!
   — callen3640

April 9, 2010
Yep, call your doc. I am on an acid blocker for two months one of the reasons is for heartburn and the other which is important is to prevent ulcers in the new pouch. Good luck.
   — FindingAndrea

April 9, 2010
The doctor gave me Protonix (Prilosec), but I also use Tums which seem to help.
   — Gail T.

April 9, 2010
If you are taking "tons" of vitamins, don't take them on an empty stomach. They will give you heart burn. Be careful not to eat anything too spicy or hot. Another thing that will add to heart burn for me is lying down too soon after eating. I take prescription Omeprosole, it is the generic for Prilosec. Sometimes I have to take two a day, but they really work. It is a $4.00 script too! Good luck with finding what works for you!
   — Bonnie H.

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