What will happen at the lap band surgery consultation?

I just got approved for a lap band surgery consultation. What happens at this appointment? What will happen after this appointment? How long will I be there for? I'm really excited because I just got approved for the consultation after having filed a grievance with the insurance company. Anybody's input would be greatly appreciated.    — bridget1970 (posted on October 2, 2009)

October 3, 2009
Hi Bridgett, I had a consult myself but chose to go with the Gastric Bypass. They will get your height and weight, go over your medical history. They will discuss the procedure along with all of the pros, cons and risks that are involved. They will also want you to do a psych eval to make sure you are really ready for a very live changing surgery. You will also need to go to a nuitricionist consult to go over the new way you will be eating. Hope this helps! Good luck! Let me know when you get a surgery date!~ Karen~
   — KarenML

October 4, 2009
hello, i was approved for the lap b. they told me to get some tests done and i did them in one day then they gave me a appt. to meet the nutrisnest+ psychaitrist+phsician.and then they send for your insurence for approvel.give it like two weeks. good luck.
   — sunrise78

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