Anyone had Inner THIGH Surgery?

Since surgery, my thighs rub together badly. Sometimes I fear I will start a fire with all this friction. Now my inner thighs are dark and get irritated a lot. I've thought about surgery to get the excess skin removed, but I'm afraid because I hear there is A LOT of blood loss. Please tell me your stories if you've had the surgery... good and bad. Thanks!    — Poodie01 (posted on September 7, 2009)

September 7, 2009
yes I did the only thing i can tell you is to check your surgeons out . I didnt get the look i was hoping for.
   — william T.

September 7, 2009
I had inner thigh surgery done on Nov. 8th 2008. I had it done because the hanging skin was causing me to be bent over like I had Osteoprosis. I feel much better now. I only had a small infection at the knee cap but has healed up. My scars have nicely healed because I use essential oils to lighten the scar.
   — kemalani

September 7, 2009
I have not had the surgery but I have been to see a surgeon for a consult. I havent had WLS yet either but I have bad lymphedema and had wondered if i could get that removed so i could walk better in the hopes to lose weight before my WLS, the surgeon said she couldnt do skin surgery until I have had the WLS and lost alot of weight, reason being is there are so many veins and main arteries in the inner thigh area and at my size it would be likely i would have too much blood loss. So it depends on how much weight you have lost versus what you have left to your goal and if a surgeon is willing to work on you before you are at goal. You might be able to get some skin now and the rest once you are at goal but just like any where else on your body if you have more weight to loose i would say wait to you are at goal. maybe what i just said to another post will help you... The question was...Which brand of panties help the most with inner thigh irritation? I've tried boy panties, regular panties, they are not wide enough in the crotch area and my answer was.... I am not sure this will help but go to they sell what is basically a female version of male boxer brief's. I bought a pair last year, they have long legs and a wide crotch area ( except instead of the padded part being back to front its left to right so they are a bit weird to wear pads). Now the other thing with these is that if you have really wide legs these may ride up like when you wear shorts how they tend to ride up. These will be tight and nice fitting the first few times but like everything they will start to stretch, word of caution, these were selling about $15 for one pair last time I looked.
   — [Deactivated Member]

September 7, 2009
I was talking to my surgeon about this last week! I will be having a belt lipectomy in December, and that surgeon will be doing liposuction of the thigh area at that time. My sleeve surgeon indicated something that might be better than surgery on the thighs later on would be something called Smart Lipo - I am just starting to research this, but basically it is done in the plastic surgeon's office, requires VERY small incisions that aren't even big enough to require stitches, minimal pain, and he said it is kind of like "shrink wrapping" the skin from the inside after "melting" and "sucking out" the fat. I don't know what the cut off is for the amount of extra skin it can deal with, but if it would work, it would sure be a lot better than that long incision. Has anyone else out there had the Smart Lipo done? Guess it is great for arms, thighs, face/neck, and even tummy and side rolls if not too extensive amounts to be removed. There are some pictures on-line if you do a search for Smart Lipo Images. Also, my bariatric surgeon said any time you have surgery, it is essential you increase your protein by at least 20 grams a day to help speed recovery and reduce risks of infection.
   — Wendy M.

September 7, 2009
I had my gastric bypass in Nov 06 and a belt lipectomy and arm lift in Oct 08. I had a thigh lift in May 09.....would do it again in a heartbeat. It wasn't the easiest thing, but well worth it. It helps to be realistic with your expectations of what you will look like after. At the same time as the thigh lift I had a breast lift and enhancement and a revision to remove more abdominal skin. The second plastic surgery was easier than the first and I new what to expect. I had an infection with the thigh lift but caught it early and it healed very quickly. One week ago I had a revision to the breast lift/implant, and all is going very well with that healing. I don't plan to do any more plastic surgery.....but for all of it, as I said, I'd do it all again in a heartbeat. I do think you should consult with your plastic surgeon about when to do any of these procedures.
   — nwheat

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