Day before surgery preparation

Tomorrow morning is my surgery, Vertical Sleeve. Any tips on what to prepare, pack and how to deal with wanting to eat? I am on the last day of clear liquid preparation.    — drsmith (posted on April 12, 2009)

April 12, 2009
Hi. I had my Realize band surgery on Thursday, April 9 at 8:00 am, so it's been about 3.5 days and I still have no appetite, so I don't think you will need to worry about dealing with wanting to eat. My stomach has actually felt so full that I don't even think about eating (I think that is a consequence of the swelling from surgery). The most useful "food" that I had when I returned home was a variety of teas. The warm liquid felt good, and it helped me to not get dehydrated. It's also been helpful to have a collection of movies that I have been meaning to watch because so far I haven't been bored and thinking about food. Regarding what to pack, here is my list of things that I packed *and* actually used: lip balm (a must); toothbrush, toothpaste (for next morning); listerine pocket tabs (after surgery you will have a bad taste in your mouth); losoe clothing (to walk around the hospital in and clothes to wear home); shoes you can slip on (they will probably want you to walk around before they will discharge you); cell phone and charger (in case you want to contact people). Some people have also suggested things like pillows and a fan, but I didn't need either one for my stay. Good luck!!
   — ads2e

April 12, 2009
Congradulations on tomorrow! And good luck! If you have an ipod, you use that when you take your walks in the hospital. I haven't had my surgery yet( we're talking about August) but my ipod is one of the top things for me.
   — Kathleen W.

April 13, 2009
Taking your own pillow is something you may want to consider. I use a feather pillow that I can shape to my needs, and the hospital pillows are hard foam that held my head up at an uncomfortable angle. I also took items that were spiritually significant to me (healing stones like malachite and rose quartz), a small statue of Kwan Yin, and my native American prayer box. Just having them there gave me comfort and strength. Also, a friend had a dragon coloring book, and a mandala coloring book, and put three bright, colorful pages up on my board, so that I could see them. They were very cheerful. And, I DID have my friends bring me a fan from I was on the warm side of the hospital.
   — Erica Alikchihoo

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