Why am I dumping all of a sudden from eating blueberries when I was fine before?

Every day, i have a whey protein shake. I usually put some bluberries on it to make it taste a little bit better. Im always fine whenever I do this. This time ten or fifteen minutes after I drank it, I felt as if their were fireworks in my intestines. I had dumping once but after i was fine. I know dumping is usually caused from sugar, but why am I dumping from the bluberries all of a sudden?    — Manal (posted on January 15, 2009)

January 15, 2009
Fructose is natural sugar. I have dumped after eating too much of it (pineapple) before. I can eat something for days and get in a routine and then day dumb, eating the same thing for weeks. It happens. Crazy new pouch!!
   — jammerz

January 15, 2009
Blueberries are fiber. Fruit also has pectin. So more than likely you are dumping because of excess fiber in your digestive tract. Try a blueberry yogurt as a substitute; you will get the protein and no too much fiber. Good luck and God Bless, vinnigirl, retired RN
   — vinnigirl

January 16, 2009
Could have been a bad day or sometimes... If I eat too soon after carbs I will dump because it's not all out of my system yet! I became lactose intolerant almost immediately...and I would dump from high sugar fruits too...Like cherries! I gotta limit those! But I also just recently became allergic or intolerable of some fake sweeteners and sugar alcohols...So don't give up on blueberries just yet...It might be something else or a combo....Try them another day and see if they still bug you...You might try cutting your serving in half to see if maybe you just gotta a little heavy on the blueberries. (might want to measure them!) PS: I'm from EBNJ!
   — .Anita R.

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