I have to have a EDG before surgury, what happens if they find an Ulcer?

   — llafount (posted on October 16, 2006)

October 16, 2006
Hi Lee Anne I had my EGD on August 29th and found that I had 3 stomach ulcers and 1 in my esophagus. This caused a delay in my surgery. I have another EGD scheduled for next Tuesday to see if the Previcid has gotten rid of them so we can go on with the surgery. I've got my fingers crossed. Good Luck on yours. -Beth
   — Beth_B

October 16, 2006
If your results show that you have ulcers and/or polyps, they will most likley postpone surgery until they can get it healed. My surgeon told me the reason for that is once they do the RNY, they have no way of getting back to the area that is ulcerated, since the stomach is actually detached from the pouch and stapled shut. So it is very important that you have a healthy stomach and esophogus before surgery. A littel delay is worth it. I had about a two month delay while I was healing.
   — toula21

October 17, 2006
i think it depends on your doctor i had a large hiatel hernia and they repaired it at the same time they did my lap band i will keep my fingers crossed for you....
   — [Deactivated Member]

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