my weight is 516 and i have emphazema will any one do surgery on me????

i weigh 516 lbs and have emphazema .. will any one do surgery???    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on September 25, 2006)

September 25, 2006
You need to ask a surgeon that question. If you have insurance, get your policy (in writing) to see if they cover WLS. If you don't have insurance, you will need to look into self-paying for the surgery. Some hospitals have payment plans; you might be able to get a medical loan. I can tell you this, though, and please don't take offense - if you have emphazema due to smoking and you STILL will HAVE to quit. Period. I smoked for about 7 years prior to surgery and quit about 6 months before my operation. Go find a bariatric surgeon and research your options extensively. Good luck.
   — platypus

September 25, 2006
I don't know the answer, which doctor will do it, but I know someone who was almost 600 pounds when he had surgery. He was in Iowa, but they did it, and he is now 300 pounds. If the emphazema is from smoking, you will have to quit immediately, they won't do the surgery on a smoker, the risks to way too high. Good luck, and don't stop looking, someone will do it, somewhere, someway.... what did the Doctor say that you saw already? Is he willing to do it? From what you said on your profile, he was? Michelle
   — MomofKate

September 25, 2006
The weight is one thing, but the combo of weight and emphazema is another. I know the University of Pennsylvania did surgery on someone 625 lbs. That person was subjected to MANY, MANY tests and had to go before the hospital review board in order to get clearence. It was not just one doctors decision. He was in fairly decent health, other than bad sugar and sleep apnea he (I think) did not have any other major health issues. You definitly want to go to a very large University type hospital with an extensive WLS program. The "Little Hospital down the road" that just happens to do the surgery is not the place for you! You want somplace that has a nutritionist "On Staff" and has a psych program that communicates with the WLS program. I had a pysch exam prior to my surgery and I thought I was well prepared pychologically, I was wrong and I am now dealing with that. Luckily the people at PENN are working with me and helping me through this rough patch.
   — WMKaisla

September 25, 2006
My cousin went in at 660 lbs. he had a tracheal tube for breathing. Medicaid paid for his. he is now 300 lbs, breathing normally. He did not smoke, but the weight was too much pressure for him to breathe normally. he had various other co-morbidity problems as well. I believe, the answer is yes, it can be done.
   — dessary316

September 25, 2006
Stoney- I had LAP RNY done and at the time of surgery I weighed 510 pounds with obstructive sleep apnea and nearly uncontrollable high blood pressure. You need to find a surgeon who has experience in high risk patients. Check out the profiles of those of us with very high BMI's (over 60) and read the surgeon reviews of those who worked on us. Then, start calling around. With luck, you will find someone in your state wtih the experience you deserve.
   — SteveColarossi

September 25, 2006
I have emphysema and I am trying for WLS at the advice of both my pulmonary dr and pcp. I am 5'2" and 330#. The first thing you should do is get your pulmonary Dr's Ok before you go any further. My pulmo thought it would be a good idea. It will not "cure" my emph but it will relieve the restrivctive side of my lung disease. After your pulmo says Ok then you can talk with yoru PCP and start looking for a surgeon. My pulmonary Dr wants to do a comple PFT shortly before the surgery so that we go into it with our eyes wide open and if we need to change our minds because of lung function we can. I have 50% lung capacity at this time which in the light of things is fairly good. Good luck! Carol
   —  CarolynK

September 25, 2006
HI Stoney. I am not sure what state you are in, but there is many Doc's out there that will do them. There is a risk of this surgery on anyone & even more so when you have higher risks involved. Your Insurance & Docs will have to decide if it can be done on you or not. Don't give up. I know that Dr. Fisher in Las Vegas would do it & also several in AZ would too! Would depend on what state you are in & what Insurance carrier you have. Take care
   — Marilyn C.

September 25, 2006
Hi Stoney, I believe that Dr. Husted in San Francisco performs surgery on high risk individuals. But, like everyone has stated here, he will not do the surgery if you are a smoker. His website is at Good luck and God Bless!
   — cpinck

September 26, 2006
Stoney, I have copd and am waitting on surgeon to accept me. You have to have a surgeon who is willing to accept higher risk patients. I have heard of others who have had it done with copd. You may want to check out some of the copd websites to find out. You might also check out University type hospitals in your area.
   — Marie W.

September 26, 2006
My sister has emphazema and she was 358 lbs when she had wls july 28th, 06. She had to quit smoking for 3 months, but did not until 3 weeks before she had wls. Her dr almost did not do her surgery, but he put it off for 3 more weeks until she quit smoking. She is now on no oxygen 24/7 and she has lost 60 lbs. She does not even have to sleep with her CPap anymore. She has come off all her meds except an allergy med and is doing great. Her breathing capacity before wls was the capacity of a drinking straw you stir coffee with and now she can walk and do exercise without giving out of breath. She can even sleep on her stomach she says. BUT now she still smokes a cigarette every now and then and takes 2 puffs and she is done. She does this when she is bored she says or not at work. She was a heavy drinker before wls and now she has no taste for it she says. I hope you find a surgeon who will do the surgery and it is best to quit smoking NOW.
   — mspisces

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