which hurts more, WLS or plastic surgery?

I had lap WLS and yeah it hurt pretty bad but after a day or two it was tolerable. I am considering some plastic surgery and want to know if it hurts more or less than WLS.    — tara (posted on May 21, 2006)

May 21, 2006
I don't have an answer for you yet, but give me until this weekend and I'll let ya know (although I may be a little biased because I'll be IN pain LOL) I'm having my plastics on Wednesday :) Good luck finding out an answer! I was hoping to get on here and see one myself!!!
   — cedsangel

May 21, 2006
My sister had her plastic surgery and she said it was worse then the lap band surgery. I had the RNY and am only 3 mnths post op.
   — vlaster

May 21, 2006
My two PS by far have been the worst. I just had liposuction of the thighs and a medial thigh lift plus a BL a week ago Saturday. My thighs especially the bruising from the lipo are very sore. The BL is just a dull ache. Last August I had a belt lipectomy and it was not as bad as what I just had. I have a very high tolerance for pain. I had open RNY.
   — ChristineB

May 21, 2006
My plastics DEFINITELY hurt worse then my lap RNY. I had a breast lift and torsoplasty (LBL) done at the same time. The breast lift was nothing...piece of cake. The LBL...that was a different story. Hello Percoset! Even though the pain sucked....I'd do it again in a heartbeat.
   — Lori J.

May 22, 2006
I have not had plastics, but it makes sense that it would hurt more. More nerves are cut and more mass is moved and muscle cut, etc. I have heard from many that the wls was a piece of cake compared to the ps. Good luck. I think I am too chicken to have it done.
   — LauraA

May 22, 2006
I had a tumytuck two weeks ago and it really does not hurt now, just very uncomfortable. The pain was MUCH worse than my bypass. Best of luck to you! Patticake
   — Patticake

May 22, 2006
I have had 10 surgeries before counting WLS and plastic surgery. I would have to say that the TUMMY TUCK is the worst pain for the longest time hurt the worst.. But that being said it was the most rewarding surgery too and would do it again
   — Catherine B

May 29, 2006
I've had breast reduction and a Lower Body Lift. The breast reduction hurt like HECK when I first woke up... Then after that it took several days before I was back to normal. The LBL wasn't too bad. I had Laproscopic RNY and it wasn't so much physical pain as mental pain that I had problems with.
   — SJP

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