Does anyone know why my sex drive has increased x10.

This may not be a problem, but I very hot blooded and since surgery 15 months ago, my sex drive has seem to increase like rabbits. I started out at 428lbs. Today I am 232lbs and still loosing. My partner is telling me that I am over eager to have sex and she doesn't undestand why I desire it so much. She says I can control it in my mind but I don't think its is all mental. Is there something chemically wrong with me that is an after effect of this surgery. I can not find any research to support anything.    — Phi Y. (posted on May 21, 2005)

May 21, 2005
Before I had my RNY, my sex drive was practically non-existent, probably due in part to all of that excess weight and from having had a partner who was not conducive to my self-esteem and well-being. After my surgery I found my sex drive again. I asked my primary care physician and she said that when you lose weight rapidly your body releases a lot of hormones. She said my body was actually being flooded with estrogen that had been trapped within the fat cells. So, at least there was a physical cause to explain it. You are lucky in that you do have a partner to enjoy this with. I am currently without one so it's just me and my increased libido now. But, it is good to know that everything still works and that part of my life isn't necessarily over. So when I do find someone special, he will probably think I am a nymphomaniac. Why do they say that like it's a bad thing? Well, best wishes for health and happiness.
   — Donna F.

May 22, 2005
I THINK IT'S WONDERFUL! The same thing is happening to me, but I feel self concious about my stomach. More power to you! =)
   — mamita093

May 23, 2005
There is nothing wrong with you. I am going through the same thing. Went from no drive to over-drive !!! My dr said it was because of all the hormones being released. I don't care what the reason is all I know is I can't get enough. And it's sooo much better now....good luck and tell your partner how lucky she is....some of us are still looking for that special someone to inflict our high sex drives upon. LOL
   — Jillisa R.

June 12, 2005
Youre not alone it happened to me too!!! Husband seems to be happy with it!
   — Kris T.

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