Has anyone compiled a list of foods and nutitional merit required for post-op?

I would like a copy of such a diet sheet that has food recomendations,nutritional and caloric requirements for the 1st,2nd,3rd, 4th etc. week post-op. Vitamin requirements also would be helpful.    — [Anonymous] (posted on October 13, 2001)

October 13, 2001
The one thing that has been most confusing to me is that every post I have read regarding food, differs from one doctor's protocol to another. Does your surgeon have a dietitian on staff? I am surprised they didn't give you a meal plan. I have been eating solid foods since day 3. My last hostipal meal was mashed potatoes, peas, roast beef, and peaches. Of course there was only 1oz. of each for a total meal of 4oz. (no more than a 1/2 cup of food) The only restiction besides a list of foods to stay away from, is that for the first month all meats need to be chopped or finely cut up. Nothing else needs to be pureed or liquid. In addition to 4oz., 3x a day, I drink (1) Myoplex protein drink. This can be drank throughout the day. It can be made with water or skim milk, and fruit can be added if needed. My vitamins are Flintstones, Magnisium, Iron, and a Calcium Tums with Lunch and Dinner. Again, I think you will get some great ideas from here, but you may want to consult your surgeon's office. I know that I have always taken lots of vitamin's, so I cringe at the thought of taking a Flintstone. I had written down everything I was taking and their content, and the dietitian told me there was some compounds in what I was taking that were too much for me at this time. I think the best advice to give you, based on what your surgeon recommended is to make healthy food choices. In addition, when eating your food, always try to eat the protien first. That is what you need the most. Good Luck!
   — Kim M.

October 14, 2001
I am still pre-op :-( but I like what Barb has to say. I've done a lot of researching, have had my visit with a nutritionist, and have decided to go as Barb did. For myself, I feel it would be best to have the two weeks of clear liquids, then two weeks of other liquids (and more if necessary), then pureed foods for four weeks, and then introduce regular foods one at a time. Sounds REAllY cautious, I know, but it sounds like this would be best for me. Nina
   — [Deactivated Member]

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