How long until I can eat enough to feel normal?I don't mean normal like I

did pre-op.That definitely wasn't!When I cook for my family I'm dying to have some of what they have.I'm 8 wks post-op and allowed whatever I want ,but I just can't eat but like a couple of bites unless it's chili or soup or something crunchy.When was everyone else able to eat grilled chicken or maybe a sandwich and not just a couple of bites.I'm just wanting some normalcy back in my life.Oh, by the way can you usually eat like a whole salad from say,Wendy's?Please someone answer even though the questions may sound silly.Thanks everyone!!    — A L. (posted on May 2, 2000)

May 2, 2000
I started eating what you consider normal foods at about the middle of my 3rd month, I didn't start eating a salad until my late 4th month. depending on what is on the salad and how much is on the plate... yes I can almost eat the entire salad... granted the sizes of salads differ from place to place... but for instance... the new salad cup "shakers" from Mcdonalds; well... I can almost eat the entire chef salad one. I don't eat any breads but once a great while I think I have attempted one sandwich since my surgery; and a couple peices of toast... it just does not do the same things for me; and I like to feel like I have eaten something worth while since I only eat a small portion. I do however eat (sometimes) very well cooked pasta with lots of meats, occasionally a crispy taco, once in a while I like to eat very thin crusted pizza (paper thin) I normally start with my protiens on my plate and then eat other stuff after that point. I can sometimes eat half of a chicken breast... I love the "tequila chicken" from Applebees! -- it's YUMMY!!! Just remember when you start to eat the harder and denser foods just chew chew chew up everything into a pureed consistancy. I can't say I eat everything out there... I tend to be pretty picky about the foods I eat now, I don't eat anything fried, it just does not even appeal to me anymore, I stay away from refined sugars and "try" not to eat alot of natural sugar daily. I had my surgery October 14, 1999; open RNY started at 400lbs; I have thus far lost 132lbs. I try not to deprive myself of foods if I think I need to have a bite I take it. best wishes! :-)
   — Jamie T.

May 2, 2000

   — Victoria B.

May 2, 2000
I think the bad news for you is that you'll never be able to eat "normal" again. However, since you can eat whatever you want to eat, you need to learn to eat within your own limitations. It sounds to me like your "bites" are bigger than they should be. I am 4 weeks post op and I've been eating chicken for two weeks! I take little bitty bites and, as a result, I get to take LOTS of bites. I enjoy whatever flavors are in my "little bitty bites" and savor the meal - even though it is usually only 1/2 to 3/4 cup max. of food. One day I decided to eat a piece of pizza. I ate it with a fork and cut off little bites and thought it was heavenly! As I was eating, I thought "I'm gonna have to get another piece after this!" However, when I was about 2/3 way through with the piece, I was thinking, "Will I be able to finish this piece?" I know the food looks good, but we need to listen to our bodies and be grateful that we fill up so quickly. That just means that the surgery was a success!!!! If you ever do go back to eating "normally" you may find that you've defeated your own purpose! Also, you may find that you need to eat 5 or 6 little meals a day instead of the standard 3 meals. My surgeon recommends this. Sometimes it seems like I'm eating too often, but I write down what I eat every day and in actuality, it isn't much at all! Try not to compare yourself with those around you, learn to eat what they eat, just be happy with your small quantity and you small bites and 'savor' the flavors! You may find that you feel great and never want to feel 'normal' again. Best wishes to you from another surgery buddy!
   — Cindy H.

May 2, 2000
Bravo! Again, the folks on this site come share their experiences and I can see myself in you all! I haven;t tried any raw veggies yet (at 2 months post op, today). I, too, am longing for a salad. I get to add that next week, but will take it slow until I know how to react. I wanted to let you know that I understand what you are asking. In a sense, we sometimes go through a mourning for our old ability to relish our food so well. The other day, I made shrimp and steak and after three shrimp, I was unable to eat even one bite of my perfectly cooked, juicy steak. I wondered the same thing as you, "when will I be able to eat normally?" Then I reminded myself that I paid a high price to have this surgery. I gave up lots of things (pepsi, ciggs, sugary sweets), but what I still had was flavor, texture and a sensation of fullness which allows me to eat little bits and feel full. I encourage you to take those little little bites. Savor it. You'll eat more and longer. Best of luck!
   — lisadiehl

May 3, 2000
Response to :.."I'm dying to have:" I remember well how I used to think this way about foods all the time before having WLS. In the three months since surgery, every time I thought I was dying to have something, I had it and then had "dumping syndrome." This is never pleasant, so I try to consciously think out those foods I crave-does it have lots of fat or sugar? How much will I be satisfied with-it's amazing but if you do this and at the same time consider the nutrients, etc., more often than not, you'll make a wise choice. Incredible for someone like me, but it happens! The "new normal" for us is really the way it should have been all along, but some errant gene flew into our gene pool and made us abnormal; WLS is an excellent way to fight this gene.
   — rosemary H.

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