does your hair grow back??when you loose it after gastric bypass surgery??

my hair started falling 4 months after i had my surgery and im just really concern thedoctor said to give it 3 more months but im afraid i wont have any left by than ...does it grow back? the doctor said yes! any advice or experiences would help thank you    — MommyandMe (posted on September 21, 2010)

September 21, 2010
Yes it will just keep your protein intake up it took me about 6 months or so but my hair went back to normal more or less and you can try biotin as well
   — JaVin70

September 21, 2010
I can only speak for myself and what my Dr tells me. I must have 60-70 grams of protein each and everyday. I also take biotin. I was so afraid of hair loss, but I only had minimal loss, due to my protein intake.
   — FSUMom

September 21, 2010
I was afraid of hair loss after surgery because my hair is very fine. I started Biotin 5000 mcg chewable tablets before surgery and I am 9 mos out and have had very little hair loss. I am very strict about taking all my calcium, vitamins and b12 as well. I think they all play a part in my success of very little hair loss.
   — fortywhat2

September 21, 2010
You're hair will grow back. I had a friend who lost a lot of hair after surgery and her hair grew back curly! I was afraid like you when I was loosing mine but it grew back. I think the secret to minimal hair loss is protein. The body distributes the protein it gets and decides that places like your heart, liver, brain, etc. are more important than your hair so it puts hair at the bottom of the list for protein.
   — Muggs

September 21, 2010
I had the same situation. Keep up the protein and be patient. It will grow back. Now I just deal with MPB. (male pattern baldness, bummer ) ;)))
   — Arl3rd

September 22, 2010
I take my liquid vitamins, biotin, geletan capsules, B12, calcium and Vit D every day...I am five months out and have had no hair loss. I wash it everyday and use Pantene. I also try to get my protein in and still drink two fruit flavored protein drinks a day which is 30 grams, plus I take my liquid vitamins in a half serving of orange protein so that is another 7 and a half which already totals 37.5 grams, not counting what I get from food. Good luck
   — tfqh99

September 22, 2010
I went thru the exact thing you described. I am taking all my vitamins, including 2 biotin 1000 mg, and a Super B-Complex. I had my surgery in Sept., hair began falling in January. Began growing back in April, have tons of new hair today, and yes it has a different texture, than my silky hair before, it has more of wavy texture. Good luck!
   — Lisa1212

September 28, 2010
I am 18 months out and lost so much hair! I started taking a multi in the AM over the counter prenatal in the PM and 5,000 mg. of Biotin, after four months my hair looks great! Don't worry!
   — cookwithme

October 6, 2010
i lost about 1/2 of my hair after gastric bypass and luckily i had very thick hair or i probably would have been bald. make sure you get in enough protein. i tried all the supplements they say help but never noticed a difference. it WILL come back! i am 3 years out and about 6 months ago i can say my hair finally looked healthy and full. hang in there it will get better!!!!
   — RNlvnCARSON

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